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emobatwoman t1_j9wl6xm wrote

Mulholland Drive


JaKr8 t1_j9x6rmy wrote

Seen it multiple times and still can't quite put it all together!!


dudinax t1_ja01ymm wrote

I don't think it's meant to go together 100%. Like a P. K. Dick novel, it's impossible to make all the pieces fit.


0rphan_Martian t1_ja0a0s9 wrote

It actually makes a ton of sense when you realize 80% of the movie is just Naomi Watts’ dream. One of the rare instances where that trick actually works in favor of the film.


calman877 t1_j9y6hgb wrote

Saw it for the first time a few months ago and it's the movie I'm most looking forward to re-watching to try to put it together