I finally just watched this movie last night and I was blown away. All the trailers and previews I saw back in the day really didn’t impress me at all and that’s why I never saw it. It didn’t pique my interest.
Now that I have, I’m honestly kinda disappointed in the way they advertised for this movie and feel like I missed out on seeing this sooner because of it. Had they gone about it differently, I probably would’ve seen it in theaters and sung its praises for weeks. Just seems like a huge missed opportunity.
Am I alone in this? Did anyone else find the advertising for this movie lackluster?
Also, what other movies fall into this category? Terrible marketing, but amazing movie?
Consistent-Annual268 t1_jaf2zb3 wrote
Ah yes Edge of Tomorrow. Or as some people know it, Live. Die. Repeat.
They couldn't even settle on the final name for their movie, let alone market it properly. The rumored sequel was gonna be called, no bullshit, Live. Die. Repeat. Repeat.