Submitted by Nossirom t3_11d0emw in movies

So, you suddenly find yourself with the ability to remake reality. Rather than doing something useful, you just create alternate timelines and realities with movies that have bonkers casting choices.

What kind of crazy casting choices would you make? You can uses performers from any time period and cast them in any movie. Go wild!

Pauly Shore stars in the Terminator franchise as the T800. Terrifying.

Meryl Streep has the starring role in Showgirls. She wins an academy award, obviously.

Samwise Gamgee in Lord of the Rings as played by Al Pachino. Woo ha Mr. Frodo!

Finally, Steven Seagal in place of Jimmy Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life.

What would you make?



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TGByrom t1_ja622w5 wrote

Danny DeVito as Frank Reynolds as Harry Potter


OrangeYawn t1_ja62kda wrote

I was just talking about this with a friend today. I said Chris Farley as a serious terminator in T2, Arnold's part. And David Spade would be the liquid one lol. But complete seriousness. Would be cool to see.

Otherwise various movies/actors from 90s. Hopefully this becomes reality once AI gets more relevant.


grapemetodeath t1_ja6381l wrote

I really, truly hope that someone reads this comment and makes a deep fake of it. Probably not possible because of the huge difference in Arnold and Chris's face, but I would love to see your idea in action.


AChocolateHouse t1_ja639j5 wrote

Al Pacino in David Lynch's Blue Velvet instead of Kyle MacLachlan.


DrRexMorman t1_ja64en3 wrote

>So, you suddenly find yourself with the ability to remake reality

I give Jim Gavin whatever he needs to finish Lodge 49.


darkness_escape t1_ja64yg5 wrote

Eddie Murphy in white face in Ben Stillers role in Tropic Thunder


magnetofan52293 t1_ja65uys wrote

I want to remake Kubrick’s “The Shining” with John Lithgow as Jack Torrance. Nicholson’s performance is legendary, but he seems malicious from the get-go. Lithgow I think would have a more clear descent from a decent man with a troubled past to giving into his most psychotic urges.


BusinessPurge t1_ja67fic wrote

Haley Joel Osmet IS Steven Spielberg’s American Harry Potter. Rosie O’Donnell gets the Weasley role as rumored around then. Just total chaos, filmed in the place of A.I.


MadMads23 t1_ja6lied wrote

I want to see Nicolas Cage’s Superman. He’s enthusiastic about comic books and the character, so you know he’d give it his all, but it’s also Nic Cage, so how would that look especially given the vanilla nature of Superman?


rekniht01 t1_ja95oep wrote

Michael Fassbender as David (Alien Covenant) as HAL9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey


rekniht01 t1_ja96byi wrote

Inception, but done by Judd Apatow and crew - Paul Rudd, Seth Rogen, Steve Carrell, Jason Segel, John C. Reilly, etc.