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PAdogooder t1_iud3z38 wrote

If you’re an attorney, you should

1. Know how exhausting it is to hear people start sentences with “I’m an attorney”. 
  1. You should know that “fireable offenses” have nothing to do with anymore in our capitalist hellscape.

  2. You don’t need any more liability than anyone upstream who sees this photo and didn’t want it to be public. That could be Elton just wanting to be private. That could be someone who bought it for Elton not wanting the surprise ruined. That could be a manager who wants to be able to promise future customers discretion.

So…. Go be a lawyer somewhere else where you know what you’re talking about.


montwhisky t1_iudg0ro wrote

I’m a lawyer in Montana, where his cousin lives. So I’m pretty sure my knowledge about the employment laws in Montana are relevant. You, on the other hand, have no idea what you’re talking about. Go play expert somewhere else.


PAdogooder t1_iue428x wrote

Lol- of course it’s Montana, the one state in the union where employment law is still almost ok.