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andersonfmly t1_iueqxfb wrote

I could actually get behind this idea, but it also be pretty dangerous for me since I have a rather profound weakness for potato chips.


More_Vast t1_iueufz6 wrote

Ofc there are no roasted chips


Melonqualia t1_iuewu93 wrote

Trader Joes has a Patio Chips that have sea salt and vinegar, bbq, dill pickle, and ketchup flavored chips mixed together.


Rahdit42 t1_iueyat9 wrote

I like the idea, minus the inclusion of bbq… the one flavour I dislike.


wordnerdette t1_iuf1piz wrote

Ooh, I love this! It’s like Jelly Bellies but for chips.


DIY_Gal t1_iuf3049 wrote

A lot of facial expressions from one bag of chips 🤣


chaosunleashed t1_iuf3llx wrote

Kind of a really good way to encourage fatsos like me to eat chips one at a time


VitaminDprived t1_iuf3njp wrote

Reminds me of Dirty Chips' "Funky Fusion" flavor. And they're bomb.


eoutofmemory t1_iuf44g3 wrote

Packaged at end of day with all the left overs


MRoDustin t1_iuf5llm wrote

All Dressed chips have been a thing for decades north of the border.

They do not live up to the hype in my humble Canadian opinion.


sodrrl t1_iuf5u5a wrote

Canada has had 'all-dressed' chips since as long as chips have been around.

Although that sounds like a better flavour shitmix. Always more garlic!


elguapo904 t1_iufdwfn wrote

Zapps out of New Orleans makes a similar flavor they call Voodoo chips. Many inmates in the US can get a flavor called The Whole Shebang at the commissary thats pretty good, so I've been told 😉


fhrblig t1_iuff2vp wrote

All mixed up, don't know what to do


LostInLibation t1_iufhkni wrote

Are the chips flavored with all of those flavors combined, or are they flavored separately per chips? Does that make sense?


jimbolikescr t1_iufjje8 wrote

Profound weakness? Are you deathly allergic to sweet potato? Your love for sweet potato has such depth you eat yourself to death? Sweet potato is like your kryptonite and physically weakens you?


Kind_Description970 t1_iufl38k wrote

Sounds very similar to the flavor all dressed in Canada. I'd get behind these


andersonfmly t1_iufl7us wrote

Thanks "Karen" for your valiant, but ultimately futile, effort to suck the joy out of another's life. Better luck next time. BTW - The image is NOT of chips made from sweet potatoes.


MyUsernameIsNotLongE t1_iufop28 wrote

Is it one of those all flavours but no distinguishable flavours thing?


saintceciliax t1_iufq0uw wrote

Is this not normal everywhere? Never had munchies?


Grizzmitch t1_iufqjyk wrote

All dressed has been around for ever in Canada! Or “dressed all over” as a wise man once said


Tonegle t1_iufswt0 wrote

Inb4 DMCA by 311


Dragonkus t1_iufxy41 wrote

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! I want 😫 Can I get a bag please 🙏 Thanks


Ok_Secretary_8243 t1_iufzt0d wrote

I’ve seen this with Life Savers, but not with potato chips before.


Clatz t1_iug1zkq wrote

The Whole Shebangs are pretty good. If you're dying to try them, you can find them online at a ridiculous mark-up.

From what I understand, they're basically just "All dressed up" chips like they have in Canada.


RixInTheMixx t1_iug51dl wrote

I take it no one here has ever gone to jail and purchased commissary


johnny__danger t1_iug6t06 wrote

Ads are truly infiltrating ever aspect of our lives.


Willow_weeping85 t1_iug7tpi wrote

Those vinegar ones 🤢 my husband fed both our kids a vinegar chip ONCE. And I had to refrain from calling cps on him both times 🤣 my daughter for real was about to call, herself lol.


xl_RENEG4DE_lx t1_iuga0sr wrote

No offense... But kettle chips ain't right. This cant make them worse imo


RogerRabbit1234 t1_iugc5uq wrote

This was discovered by the custodian at the chip factory with his broom at quitting time.


Rogendo t1_iuggvr5 wrote

Is it weird that I saw chipping in and thought about Johnny?


MalHierba t1_iugnb1n wrote

I like the idea but fuck vinegar chips. That alone makes me unable to touch the bag.


GOATluhv t1_iugq7r9 wrote

need this to chomp on mid sleep.


photo-things t1_iuhfz8m wrote

Is there anything like this in the UK? 🤩 (sadly, I don’t think there is)


No_Shop_ t1_iuhkow7 wrote

Lot of 'Dollar Stores' in the US buy from production sources and a lot of them are often 'Mix'n'GRAB!' styled gummies, chips, you name it. They feel like production-rejects. Food that was on the line but either was misshaped or lumpy.

So when I see this, I think of dollar tree style of quality. This bag wasn't made with the intensive purpose of mixing fresh-chips off the line into your bag. No instead this is very likely just production rejects from their other lines put into one big batch so they could sell it.

Imagine woodworking, you make a beautiful statue that you decide to sell. But then you realize you can also sell the wood-shavings that fell on the floor for a cheaper price as well.

This bag is basically left-over woodshavings.


NIMA-GH-X-P t1_iuhkvc6 wrote

Wow wish more companies did that


yankiigurl t1_iuhsex8 wrote

I like this idea but having vinegar in there makes it feel like a prank for me


Killowatt59 t1_iuht87d wrote

Some people just like to watch the world burn.


chesterforbes t1_iuhtrh7 wrote

More chip companies need to do this. Would definitely help when I can’t decide on a flavour


andersonfmly t1_iuhv1go wrote

And a “lively” post that one is. Both are on MI, weren’t posted all that far apart as I recall, and both caught my interest for different reasons (I worked as a graphic artist for 33+ years, and I love potato chips.)


fangelo2 t1_iuhw5rf wrote

What are we going to do with all the chips that we swept up off the floor at the end of the day? Bag ‘em


yamaha2000us t1_iuhwd19 wrote

I stand behind this marketing tactic.


insouciant_bedlamite t1_iui0z95 wrote

This is content that belongs on this sub. Also that sounds like a tasty blend


[deleted] t1_iuibox8 wrote



FlakyAd5288 t1_iuieuy0 wrote

I believe Voodoo Chips have some sort of combination of all these flavors but it’s the same flavor every chip


HoselRockit t1_iuirqxz wrote

Pass. I am not a "food on my plate cannot touch" guy, but I am not far from it.