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NoPineapple6682 t1_itxoa0o wrote

Reply to comment by tke494 in How an allergy test works by Monkey-Newz

Thanks for the info!

His eczema started as a baby also; he’s nearly 3 now and it’s progressively getting worse and I can’t figure out the triggers. The doctors basically just say to make sure I moisturise and no soap, which I do anyways. Did yours go away as you got older? I feel so bad for him it looks so bad sometimes. He doesn’t itch or seem bothered by it tho which is good


BestDevilYouKnow t1_ity2sjq wrote

Eczema can be caused by food allergies. Nephew had allergy testing at age 2 and they eliminated oats, soy, and eggs - eczema cleared up. 9 years later he can hoover down anything.


NoPineapple6682 t1_ity7ury wrote

Good to know thanks. Maybe I’ll do some more research and cut out the common allergens too see if it clears up - then reintroduce them one at a time? Wish us luck!


tke494 t1_iu1p92f wrote

I stopped getting it in high school or college. It has come back briefly once or twice as an adult. Definitely only in the spring as an adult. I think it lasted longer as a kid.

Mine was pretty bad. It itched a lot and the backs of my legs. The backs of my legs were all scab some of the time.

As an adult, I found that baby powder helps. A particular kind of dandruff shampoo helps. I don't remember the name, but it was thicker than most shampoos. Definitely a strong shampoo.

As an adult, I was better able to eliminate foods I'm allergic to. Either I was better able to notice when I had a reaction than my parents or they didn't believe if I even thought to tell them.

The problem with tracking food allergies is that people often don't eat one food at a time. People eat a bunch of foods all mixed. Also, allergies can add up. Like, maybe they don't react to one allergen but react to three together.

I've started a list of the various things my son ate not long before he has had reactions.