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Leguanix t1_jebt33v wrote

yeeees they are common in the uk but for must people in developed countries they seem weird


starliz t1_jebuahj wrote

Um...Quite common in the U.S.


clemep8 t1_jec1e59 wrote

Separate hot and cold in a house in the US? I'm surprised. I haven't seen that in a house newer than about 50 years old. My grandmother's house had these types of faucets, but it's almost 100 years old.


starliz t1_jefs0hj wrote

Born and raised in the US. Lived in/visited multiple states. Apartments, condos, hotels, homes. All had dual faucets in the bathroom.


Illustrious-Scar-526 t1_jeg88x7 wrote

Does it get below freezing at those places? I have lived in very nice and very poor places in the south, but I have never seen dual faucets anywhere except for a maintenance closet with a sink or something like that. Definitely not in anything residential though. Makes me wonder if it has to do with pipes freezing or something.


starliz t1_jegdrhc wrote

Nope. They are on display in Lowes and Home Depot. I think it is a personal preference. It may be based on builders and them buying things in lots. Their designers may make the decision to buy one over the other.