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x21in2010x t1_je8bjb9 wrote

Do you remember the 'athletic position' every middle school coach taught you? Its a bit more relaxed than that but frankly I'd rather a minor quad workout than playing Buttcrack Operation 8 inches from shitty toilet water.


htp-di-nsw t1_je8erbv wrote

> Do you remember the 'athletic position' every middle school coach taught you?

No? I must have gone to very different school than you!

> I'd rather a minor quad workout than playing Buttcrack Operation 8 inches from shitty toilet water.

Have people actually punched toilet water while wiping somehow? Is that a real fear people have? It has never even occurred to me as a possibility. You lean forward a little and turn slightly to lift a cheek--your hand isn't even really going past the rim. How did you think people wiped while sitting?

This is one of the weirdest conversations I've ever had...


Yoloswaggit420 t1_je8mf6x wrote

The athletic position is just slightly bending your knees to give you a lower center of gravity. Look at how linebackers/cornerbacks line up in football or you'll see the stance of a defender in basket ball where their knees are bent and hands up or on thighs. Obviously your hands are wiping your butt in this scenario lol


shpooople33 t1_je93gji wrote

In a lot of european countries there are still toilets with the elevated floor standing WC.

Mostly a relic of old times where people were controlling their poop to check if they are healthy etc.

Your poop is very close to your hand then. I think thats where stand wiping origins from.