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DJWGibson t1_ja0x4m7 wrote

Squatting is actually much better for your bowels than sitting. Western toilets are poorly designed and lead to hemorrhoids.


Slmmnslmn t1_ja1xkw7 wrote

At a past job all my coworkers used to do this and then fill the waste basket with used shit tickets.

Had something to do with plumbing in their home country.


Zerp_N_Flerp t1_ja2hbhq wrote

This image can be found in almost every public toilet in SEA. Many folks here have squat toilets at home and they are pretty normal to see in public as well. The problem is people end up shitting and pissing all over the seat because they literally try to balance/squat on a seated toilets rim.


OutrageousStrength91 t1_ja1eaes wrote

It's only polite, so the people behind you can see the stage.


wutru_audio t1_ja0qcpo wrote

Don’t tell me what to do!


HoopOnPoop t1_ja0xxej wrote

Just remember that every warning sign or label is there for a reason.


Apprehensive_Room338 t1_ja10dp1 wrote

This is actually pretty common for females to do, especially jn public restrooms.


BanEvadingDeplorable t1_ja14uty wrote

I jest stand in front of er, lean over a bit, let er rip and hope fer the best


Equivalent_Ad1362 t1_ja0opbu wrote

Anyone who makes physical contact with anything in a public bathroom is a disgusting animal


Danelius90 OP t1_ja0reba wrote

This is actually my house, I don't trust my guests


Equivalent_Ad1362 t1_ja0ujj6 wrote

If you’re worried about guests make sure you never put a garbage in your bathroom. If it can’t be flushed, take it outside!
