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ncopland t1_ja1wml8 wrote

What did he trade? Was he an American soldier?


ben-adaephon-delat OP t1_ja38jxe wrote

He was. We don't know exactly what he traded for it, but presumably one of his airforce pins.


rainbowzky t1_ja14l3e wrote

Sick that’s a beautiful family treasure


KrustyBoomer t1_ja13sx2 wrote

New GOP logo


microlith t1_ja15ntv wrote

Nah, their logo would come from Germany or Italy. They're as far from communism as can be.


Istripwithmyteeth t1_ja1ss1e wrote

That's ironic considering the modern American left has deep Marxist roots


5kyl3r t1_ja2byof wrote

after feb. 24th last year, I basically see this no differently than the swastika. everything Soviet Union was just centralized into russia proper, and they continue to reign death upon people. nothing changes. кстати, путин хуйло
