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uncanny_justice t1_j6m2tv4 wrote

Assuming this is talking about that show they made of TLoU, I'm pretty sure if I want to see a show about a zombie game, the last thing I expect is that they show me a sex scene when I wanted to watch zombies die and stuff (and as far as I know, the original game does not contains any sex scenes of any kind (maybe part 2, but that game is objectively shit))


khululz_mate t1_j6m5e73 wrote

They made stuff I gotta bleach my eyes, now i can't really trust anyone.


UnusualInstance6 t1_j6mdqzp wrote

I skip because sex scenes of any kind make me uncomfortable due to unresolved trauma

We’re not the same


hein-e t1_j6mf3e3 wrote

Sex scene is a wild overstatement of what it was. It was more of the lead up to the sex, most of it was dialogue which built up the characters with a bit of kissing in between. Furthermore, the story of the characters fits perfectly into the themes of the story of the game and I’m glad they expanded on the story instead of acting it out bit for bit, makes it fresh for me because I already played the game. Same with the fragments from before the outbreak, it’s world building


R3dditmodsarevirgins t1_j6mjepw wrote

I think most people are just tired of seeing the issue being forced. I mean yeah, it's disgusting, but it's also an eye-roller.


hold_my_beer123 t1_j6mrv5r wrote

Me skipping coz the scene made everyone awkward in the room.