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afroggybanana t1_j27gkee wrote

Reply to comment by timidyellow in Context in comments by _RedditDiver_

I feel like you must be intentionally missing the point. This is not teaching material. It doesn't distract from the content of courses. It's not related at all to student activities or curriculum. It's a list of words that the IT department wanted to have an internal discussion about concerning content on the school's website. Something along the lines of "Do you guys think we're okay to use the word 'damn' on the school bookstore's website?"

Also, I've never heard someone say they've been "grandmothered" into an outdated pricing plan. And I'm not sure in which context you think you would choose one over the other. But that's beside the point.


timidyellow t1_j27gsn8 wrote

With this comment i give up on trying to argue with a woke person. I accept my defeat. I quit.


afroggybanana t1_j27hnif wrote

I'm not even arguing, I'm trying to clarify what we're even talking about in the first place and you're reading past me and finding intent where there is none