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killjoy_24v t1_iyd10yo wrote

I think the sport itself is okay. Its just... paying someone millions of dollars to fake an injury while playing a schoolyard game is not cool IMO. Like any "Pro" sport for that matter...


MREWOK123 t1_iyd3ou9 wrote

I actually agree with the money part there. It's not right how they get paid more than doctors or nurses who save lives.


SoulsDesire4Freedom t1_iyd4gk0 wrote

American Football is just effeminate Rugby and Soccer is just homoerotic edging running around playing grabass to charge up for orgies.


MonkeyTesticleJuice t1_iyczm23 wrote

Soccer is literally the worst sport.


JackBrightScD OP t1_iyd0lui wrote

I dunno, there's a few really bad sports out there.

I like that it's international. I think it's a really cool way to embrace other cultures and see how humans from all over the world are much better athletes than me.


ultimatepunster t1_iyd1r1k wrote

My personal take is that sports are a lot more fun to play than to watch. Like I actually enjoy fucking around on a field playing Soccer/Football, but watching it on TV? Good God I'm so bored lol


MREWOK123 t1_iyd12m3 wrote

Yes, but no one here-as a brit- calls it soccer.


JackBrightScD OP t1_iyd1eie wrote

Ya, not after you ruined it for Americans! Now calling football "soccer" is the one thing that makes Americans look really dumb to the rest of the world!


MREWOK123 t1_iyd3jxg wrote

Definitely not the only thing, but ok.


JackBrightScD OP t1_iyd41nj wrote

I took a shot at sarcasm on reddit without a /s. This usually results in downvotes. Let's see how it plays out.


NicOcto t1_iyd2duo wrote

Played with thr foot and a ball. Nothing else to say.


JackBrightScD OP t1_iyd3ve2 wrote

Apparently it was a slang term originally. "Association Football" vs "Rugby Football" became "'ssoc-er" and "rugby". The term "soccer" became interchangeable with football in England around the time the US became more interested in the sport, and then the term became less popular and eventually not used at all in England.

America, however, established it as the "American Soccer Football Association", eventually dropping the Football term to avoid confusion with the already then established sport of American Football.

In conclusion, the British ruin everything they touch.