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djfnjxj t1_iud66v6 wrote

The coat looks pretty normal sized to me


John-the-cool-guy t1_iud9u1p wrote

Just curious... What are the differences between communism and socialism?

Why do so many people think they are basically the same?


JasonT1967 OP t1_iude9jn wrote

The main difference is that under communism, most property and economic resources are owned and controlled by the state (rather than individual citizens); under socialism, all citizens share equally in economic resources as allocated by a democratically-elected government.

Bernie advocates for government control of some parts of the economy; most notably health care and energy.


John-the-cool-guy t1_iudhpqi wrote

It sounds like a socialist society would be an upgrade from the present capitalism where a certain few own everything.

What am I missing that makes a society more inclined towards socialism instead of capitalism such a bad thing?


IndianaGeoff t1_iudarfx wrote

Marx postulates that socialism is a stepping stone to communism. It's just that shit always fell apart during socialism and communism would be unobtainable any way. And just listen to Bernie's rabid fans and you will know why.

For that brief period where they were running the Democrats but didn't have the votes to put in place the full plan, they were all in with undemocratic processes to force it in place, most of them revolving around controlling elections and media so they could do more. How about this Bernie et al, why don't you create a reasonable government program and run it so good everyone can't resist letting you do more because it is so good. Something socialist we already have to do like the Veterans Administration. When that is better than anything else we do maybe you would not have to do a power grab.


John-the-cool-guy t1_iudcaov wrote

While your post has some interesting information, it says nothing about the differences between socialism and communism.


IndianaGeoff t1_iude79c wrote

Yes, let's take a topic that takes a week of university lecture and put it in two paragraphs. This is a topic where you do the work to learn if you want to understand it.


John-the-cool-guy t1_iudryuo wrote

What I'm seeing in your response is that you don't know the difference any further than you've heard it from your favorite politician.


JasonT1967 OP t1_iudoo2n wrote

More individual freedom and prosperity under capitalism.