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whiteboyhung101 t1_iub05hl wrote

Because there are much more useful thing you can spend that money on rather than buying twitter and for what? Some publicity? When you have a abundant amount of money shouldn’t you try to help the people that aren’t as well of? I guess it’s more of characteristic that something rich people should be obliged to.


SlugPacifier t1_iublegj wrote

Additionally, Elon Musk does not have 200 billion dollars or whatever. He has 200 bil worth of assets. And, in order to spend a sizable amount of money, he would have to sell a crap ton of stocks and lose authority/voting power in the buisnesses that HE created. That’s like your arm being worth a billion dollars and having to chop it off to claim it.


hastur2042 t1_iube456 wrote

From what I’ve seen he literally got forced into buying twitter with previous contracts etc. and if you look at what Elon is actually doing he is trying to improve humanity beyond this planet. Just because he has money doesn’t mean he has to solve world problems.


SlugPacifier t1_iubl4cy wrote

See, everyone donating a bit of their income to charities would do just as much good as a super rich person donating a sizable portion of their wealth. But, people always think someone else should donate and nothing gets done. Change starts with you.