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Ulquiorr4_ t1_jebu9n9 wrote

Hmm, this comment section appears to be civil…..for now.

I’ll check back in later to make sure though.


sgcpaulo t1_jebs3y8 wrote

How I wish we did. It would have been so much cool.

Kidding aside, I think that’s just limited to fundamentalists and the ultra-conservative, as majority of us know about Charles Darwin.


HelloThere465 OP t1_jebsp9x wrote

Yhea I know, have a lot of Christian friends and all of them support the theory of evolution. It is target most at extreme Christians and young earth believers


ShortfallofAardvark t1_jecfz6c wrote

I’ve never understood the whole science vs. religion thing. I’m not exactly religious but I just don’t understand why god can’t create the universe and let science and evolution do the rest of the work.


Titan-Five t1_jed13po wrote

It says in the bible he doesn’t. If the most important thing in their most sacred text is wrong, then the religion is wrong


OmegaGrind t1_jecgqh3 wrote

Also plain ol' dumb fucks.

My parents weren't religious ("we believe in a higher power but dont know what") and then went to a non fundamentalists and not extreme church, and lived in California, but within months they were punishing me for believing in evolution because it was against the Bible they said, while also claiming it was interpretive and not literal.

They literally just knew evolution was something Christians stereotypically hate so decided they were against it too since they're Christian now.


CaptainPhantom2 t1_jecftdg wrote

I love the “tornado blows through a junkyard and makes a commercial airliner” saying. Like if you give me ≈200 sextillion tornados in a junkyard as large as the universe I'm willing to bet that one of those will make something that resembles an airplane


KingOfThePlayPlace t1_jeclbk3 wrote

Especially when the closer something looks to a plane the more likely it is to go on to look even more like a plane


conneru64 t1_jef5toy wrote

Not even. Give me a sextillion tries to make a wheel, then fill the entire junkyard with wheels and give me a sextillion more tornados to make something slightly better, then fill the entire junkyard with that...


AlinesReinhard t1_jecadqi wrote

Hey if that isn't DOTM Megatron... Imo that's my fave Megatron appearance.


HelloThere465 OP t1_jecanpg wrote

Yhea, he is my favourite as well from the movies. Favourite of all time is Transformers Prime


[deleted] t1_jec0yd0 wrote

I once saw christians on a podcast trying to refute Darwin's theory of evolution... its was very funny seing they get delirious saying that life was made as it is nowadays, and it was made 4 thousand years ago ROFL... bro, we have dog breeds older than their beliefs, they could at least try not use Jesus or God's names in vain...


Few-Dress-6093 t1_jedkl8x wrote

Bro!! I had a debate with someone on tiktok, and he was like “if I have all the parts for a ferarri why doesn’t the car build itself?”

I then deleted tiktok after that


conneru64 t1_jef5ypw wrote

Tell him to breed two ferarris to get evolution


hobosam21-B t1_jec5ym6 wrote

Pretty sure we just know it doesn't work without copious amounts of blind faith


KingOfThePlayPlace t1_jecliju wrote

So if not for copious amounts of blind faith how do you know it doesn’t work?


Lui-king t1_jecn728 wrote

Isn’t this pretty much what it is? Just a lot slower?


HelloThere465 OP t1_jecniyx wrote

Yes, but an argument I once heard was "you don't se an elephant give birth to a penguin". That is more the inspiration for the meme


IGNORE_ME_PLZZZZ t1_jeep919 wrote

“Have you ever seen an ape turn into a man?”


worldofmemes0 t1_jedhkp3 wrote

i saw a christian facebook mom and said something about lightning putting you in the womb because they dont believe humans evolved from the womb

honestly, i dont know what else i can say


Lobblob6605 t1_jeen5ne wrote

A lot of people don't know that there are several definitions/applications to the word 'evolution'. I don't remember all of them (I think there is seven), but some definitions include:

  1. Changes within species. Ex. Adaptions for geographical locations
  2. Change from species to species. Ex. Monkey to Human
  3. Just to change in general

As a christian, I know that all the other definitions are correct and have been scientifically proven with the scientific method, but what I listed as number two is false.


TheBooneyBunes t1_jecl2qk wrote

They don’t think evolution is real period, I suppose we were all placed like chess pieces onto the planet


HelloThere465 OP t1_jecla23 wrote

I know, the meme is more for the argument's they try to use


charleston_guy t1_jed8n6w wrote

"If we's evolved from munkees, how comes..."



Affectionate-Kick804 t1_jec8ved wrote

Science is a liar sometimes.


Saucebean2000 t1_jecfmni wrote

Science is not an entity capable of self-awareness and therefore can not concive falsehoods. What you're referring to as lies are either mistakes made by people in scientific fields that are later corrected through better resurch and experiments with better techniques and equipment or published "scientific articles" that are just propaganda fended by large corporations to preserve their image or push their agenda. Example, coke funding articles that sugar and soda don't make people fat, or how cigarette companies paid off doctors to calim their products weren't related to lung cancer.


m0dsaresexpredators t1_jebqi3o wrote

I love when they say "It's just a theory". Should have paid attention to science fundamentals in high school instead of reading their sky daddy fable.


[deleted] t1_jec8299 wrote



m0dsaresexpredators t1_jec929g wrote

Stalker pedophile says what?


[deleted] t1_jecadkp wrote



KingOfThePlayPlace t1_jecmxol wrote

Sure I’ll help him, evolution is not a theory, we can observe it happening all the time, even in ourselves, if you compare the average height of humans now to the average height of humans just a few hundred years ago, you’ll see we’re much taller now. It seems like a small thing but compound these small things over hundreds of thousands to millions of years and it’s not hard for anyone thinking critically to see how much a species can change.


PhurShur t1_jecdj2l wrote

Charles Darwin was a FREE Mason. All these scientists that many admire are Masons. They give you some.truth with a lie. Evolution is the biggest lie ever told. True Christians that are Followers and Disciples of Christ use discernment to see past the lies. Big Bang theory came from a Jesuit Vatican priest......Can't believe in God and how he created the earth and trust this lie Science has given us. Godless people have no peace inside. Reason they keep admiring other people. Science isn't total bs. They have many agendas that play out. I mean people trust Science so much they listen to Bill Gates mention he wants to help the world lower its population with a jab and many keep getting boosters and many more keep drying. Science like Religion can be twisted in evil ways


KingOfThePlayPlace t1_jecmgvz wrote

Masons or not they provided evidence for their claims, Charles Darwin studied the birds on the Galápagos Islands, Georges Lemaitre (who came up with the Big Bang theory) recorded the cosmic background radiation. It’s not a lie, it’s humans finding patterns in nature and the universe, thinking of reasons for those patterns, and then testing to see if they’re true or false. I have no problem with religion but I do have a problem with religious people claiming that there’s no evidence in science when the only “evidence” of god is a 2,000+ year old book.