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BLM-trans-jennifer t1_ja2nmjt wrote

i disable adblock for things i want to support. GOOGLE is defnietly not one of them. these fuckers wont earn a single impression or click from me as long as they live by the motto: "dont be NOT evil"


TON_THENOOB t1_ja2qam0 wrote

How is the provider supposed to make money then?


lcserny t1_ja2rhuq wrote

There is no adblocker on TVs, so YT premium is actually nice for that, also listening on YT on phone without screen on is very nice


EquivalentAd2178 t1_ja31nk6 wrote

There's an exploit on Android and TV/Console where you click the i with the circle around it and click "Don't recommend ad", but you need an account for it, and ad personalization.


math-explorer t1_ja38etl wrote

Maybe the ads became intrusive because the site is desperate for money, and they became desperate for money because too many people were using AdBlock to begin with so their revenue dropped. If a site has to pick between shutting down vs intrusive ads, they will pick intrusive ads.


Diayane_Johnson619 t1_ja3fylu wrote

Well if you don't want to buy ad blocker you can use Opera browser it has inbuilt ad blocker . I don't know about tv/console but it works just fine on PC and mobile.


LostMyCatMaybe t1_ja3q39h wrote

Like they used to when the web was young. Ads used to look like static billboards on pages which were same for everyone.

The current norm of stealing personal information to create a profile for targeted advertising is disrespectful of user's privacy. We shall not respect those who do not respect us.


friedfryer t1_ja443x4 wrote

It includes a Spotify premium equivalent with YT music, so… 2 birds 1 stone really


pvpmas t1_ja4bhtx wrote

If ios then I don't know since I use android (maybe brave browser?).

But on android you can actually install plugins on Firefox app like a pc so get ublock origin and have fun.


HEL-O_NS t1_ja4cv60 wrote

What ad blocker you guys use? I just got a pc


BigDan_0 t1_ja4cyuc wrote

Reading about how advertisers use your data is actually disgusting.


joveice t1_ja4pco6 wrote

All browsers on iOS apparently runs on top of some safari stuff so they don't have that much freedom in what can be done (so no plugins :( )

I myself love uBlock origin on Firefox on my android


Glittering-Fit t1_ja4u2pq wrote

Some websites after installing AdBlock: Please, turn off AdBlock:(

Me: Continue without disabling.


AlexDavid1605 t1_ja4yy6w wrote

Please explain "reduce ads"... Does it mean that you still get ads but not as much???


Waffle-Dude t1_ja5p9zb wrote

Supporting creators that rely on ads for income


D3stroyerof3vil t1_ja5w8pk wrote

Mobile and TV exists. On PC, I agree but it's not a useless premium. And downloading stuff is really nice.


Iamexist_real t1_ja687zf wrote

The only use for yt premium is on mobile because the browser version is shit and the app has no ad blockers I can think of. If there are though please let me know


Adictzz t1_ja6cwn2 wrote

Spotify premium is good tho


unclesalazar t1_ja6ghln wrote

free adblock for phones please?? i’m dying.


PossiblyLinux127 t1_ja6l9l5 wrote

Use ublock orgin on Firefox with security set to strict (content moderation is deliberately broken in newer versions of chrome)

Ublock origin is a general content blocker. It blocks malware as well as ads (ads are usually malware)


TheGentleDoggo t1_ja72t95 wrote

I mean YT Premium is also for people that want to support the creators while having no ads


Sir_Honytawk t1_ja7g7pp wrote

By respecting their users and not overloading them with personalized ads and track them without permission.

Adblockers are just a response to greedy ad services that keep inconveniencing users for more profit.
If they just stuck to banners, nobody would be using them.


Edderward t1_ja7glf5 wrote

People saying this probably never leave their home. I am a YT premium subscriber, and during my travels in public transport I am happy that I can download videos and music to my phone (without ads I might add) before I go. Also the possibility to turn of my screen whithout the videos stopping is very nice.