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geekybean89 t1_jacx3iy wrote

“It’s fine he doesn’t need a leash “


JUGELBUTT t1_jacy0ca wrote

He just wants to smell your hand



TheAntiCrust66 t1_jaczul8 wrote

Truly. I had a neighbor who's dog was locked in a tiny kennel outside maybe about 2-3 cubic meters and it was aggressive and would run around the neighborhood and chase or attack others animals and sometimes people. My dog who I actually trained did none of those things and wouldn't even leave the yard if someone was on the road by our mailbox. Worst part is when I see him compared to any of my family members dogs.


Fastenbauer t1_jad1l36 wrote

Wanna know a secret? Most dogs actually scare real easy. They are not nearly as confident as most people assume. Just look them in the eyes with confidence and move towards them without hesitation. That's normally enough to convince them that you're stronger then they are.
Source: Years of trying to touch all the dogs I meet.


Powerful_Rich_7687 t1_jad3lvp wrote

I hate it when people say"Oh sorry my Chihuahua nEVEr bites or acts aggressive!".

The dog on 460 pounds of coke "Arararaarararararraarararraearar!!¡¡!!"


FlexG69 t1_jad4vns wrote

Ist's fine, he only want to play with u


NamelessManiac t1_jad7s1o wrote

My dog's just an overbearing goofball. Like, he growls at people when he sees them at the window or when they get to the door, but as soon as they come inside, he's all happy slap-tail wanting to be pet and paid attention to. He does jump, but he just does that to say, "Hey, gimme pets."

When I walk him, he just goes up to people and tries to get attention from them. With relatives, he's had time around a cat I had once, and he presses up against their legs, thinking it's normal to do so.

All in all, the most dangerous part about him is his tail, which whips around at light speed whenever he sees someone he recognizes or wants to visit.


TigreBSO t1_jadd5nh wrote

There's a labrador up my street that loves to bark and bang his paws against the gates when i pass by, one fay i was walking my dog and the gate was open. Just to clarify, the lab was big enough to wear an adult size tshirt when it was cold, my dog is roughly the size of a cat, if not a bit smaller. Long story short, the lab came running towards my dog and i just thought 'well shit, guess I'm fucked", but had no time to react, turns out he only wanted to befriend my dog and i almost had a seizure for nothing


Cyberwolfdelta9 t1_jadm7nw wrote

Most sane people would try too socialize their dogs. Which i think is where like 50% If not higher where issues come from besides poor upbringings (some breeds seem to be more easily corrupted then others I'll say that much) and this is from someone whos owned 2 pits 1 who was loved on by like half a trailer park and the other who ran away from mice


ZekerNietTijn t1_jadz49c wrote

I had this once when i was young, It bit in my hand and the owner of the dog did not even apologised, he just used the words in this picture


Fastenbauer t1_jaei4uu wrote

I know that it's a challenge. That's the whole point. You establish dominance. It's just a lot easier to win that challenge then most people assume. While acting scared by doing stuff like avoiding eye contact really only encourages them.


RedModus t1_jaeiig4 wrote

We had a large fear reactive dog. the worst thing was people who walk the dogs without a leash and the dog comes Running up. Oh our dogs are nice they say. Mine's not get your dog or it's going to die


allmeatbopper t1_jaer7m2 wrote

Thank God for leash laws and I really hate everyone who doesn't exercise them.