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TheRealGouki t1_ja391c0 wrote

to be honest that wall shouldnt of been made like that.


N0pest t1_ja39803 wrote

If it falls that easily, it would have collapsed anyway.


SomeLikeItDusty t1_ja3agd7 wrote

Fake as fuck, that wall was built to fall over. Guy’s building to that level of quality but bothered with a hi-vis? Bish puhlease.


Viper_61577 t1_ja4sbfy wrote

Probably for the best that the wall falls down.


PhuckBigMoney t1_ja51gon wrote

So that's why it's always such a disaster when an earthquake hits S. America.


Grim_creep t1_ja56695 wrote

If you look closely when it falls, half the wall doesn’t even have any cement. I don’t work in construction but I’m pretty sure you need too put cement on every brick


SparksCam t1_ja5fabg wrote

It looks terrible in the first place


Mimisaysso t1_ja5gr0y wrote

Looked like he was about to get spaded in the neck😂❤️ Id beat his ass too😂😂


Drugz_For_Brekky_420 t1_ja5i9l8 wrote

I’ve seen a lot of shocking brickwork as a renderer but fuck. Where did this guy learn how to lay bricks? Where is the mud? Bricks aren’t Lego lol


kupillas-3- t1_ja5oe7i wrote

That was a pretty shitty wall to begin with lmao he did them a favor


newtype89 t1_ja5red3 wrote

In his defense, that wall was gana collapse regardless


Saftigerkeks t1_ja5skkp wrote

The phrase should have indicates a missed obligation or opportunity in the past. In informal speech, it is contracted to should’ve, not "should of."

You should have (should’ve) called me!

You should of called me!

I should have (should’ve) known you were lying.

I should of known you were lying.

Tom and Pauline are so selfish, they should have (should’ve) been there for you.

Tom and Pauline are so selfish, they should of been there for you.

Should have should never be written "should of." However, the latter does exist: when should is followed by an expression that begins with of.

You should, of course, compare prices.

Past: You should, of course, have compared prices.

He should, of his own will, do the right thing.

Past: He should, of his own will, have done the right thing.


Gord206 t1_ja5xkd0 wrote

Good thing the klutz was wearing steel toed sandals. He might have gotten hurt!


chopper678 t1_ja6nm8l wrote

I see this all the time but don't correct people because I think it would make them feel stupid and awkward

Because why do people say things that don't make any sense to them, unless it is a known phrase whose meaning has aged out, like still using the floppy disk symbol for save


Olerasmussen t1_ja6saul wrote

Sorry, but what a shitty job he was doing anyways


Defiant_Arrival_3645 t1_ja6slgf wrote

yall really arguing over how fake this is as though it were not clearly staged for the purpose of humor bruh


TheRealGouki t1_ja7blcb wrote

The dumbest response is a 100 word comment to some dude on a joke post about the proper punctuation. I know it's not right I dont care. I dont need some smartass making absorptions about me.


Spare-Cake727 t1_ja7c25f wrote

He should thank the guy for knocking down those shit bricks


Sir_Honytawk t1_ja7ghqs wrote

The guy that sat down at the start actually helped


chopper678 t1_ja7lzwk wrote

I don't even know what an absorption is in this context but if you didn't like his comment don't worry about it

If you know it's wrong it literally doesn't matter. Don't refuse to speak right in spite of him lol