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[deleted] OP t1_j5th4a9 wrote

Look at all that downvote rage from the miserable people in central/southern Ma who have pitted themselves against eachother just because the wealthy milked them. Just so angry that they can’t afford their lives and have descended into a vicious rat race

Oh boy yeah buddy that’s so awful that wealth disparity means, in the most wealthy place on earth, that people have to suffer without, checks notes, basic fucking utilities

I’m sure the old people you fuck over with that “fuck off and die I got mine” mindset love that. Because fuck off to your neighbor right?

Sounds like you’re the awful human being to be honest. Irony is beautiful sometimes, isn’t it?

Keep fighting to hold down your neighbor, what a cause!

You don’t even have a solid moral argument let alone socioeconomic.

There’s always Alabama. Or Texas where they just let people freeze and laugh about it. We are better than that though.

Take your stain of a worldview and bury it with the boomers. This country and state is better than that poison.


mpfisch t1_j5ttibv wrote

Let em hear ya brother!


[deleted] OP t1_j5tx7sm wrote

There must be so many angry old boomers trapped in their houses on this overcast cold winter day just slamming keyboards. It’s as if they don’t work and just drool on Fox News all day 🙂 what a hoard of brainwashed rubes. This is why this country is a shithole. Old angry entitled white boomers (and their equally miserable/brainwashed progeny trapped in their intergenerational hell and low paying slave labor jobs)

If these people had money (ok, and education) (ok, and maybe a little more moral integrity) (ok, and less cultural rot) they’d be happier but they constantly sabotage themselves and then take out their poison on society to double down. Totally deluded and trapped in their mental/cultural prisons of rot

Pretty sad tbh, but they don’t seem to know or want help


mpfisch t1_j5ty37r wrote

Amen!! Just get ready for the influx of alt right nut jobs coming in here and saying you’re the one commenting with diatribes for the last 3 hours. Fight them off and let’s take our country back!