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plawwell t1_j3r00d6 wrote

He was charged because he talked to the police. Regardless of whether you did it or not, don't ever talk to the police. Ever.


DunkinRadio t1_j3r0s0s wrote

How do these people think they can get away with this stuff?

Guy may as well have left a big neon sign saying "I killed her."


plawwell t1_j3rp530 wrote

> art fraud (fake Andy Warhol paintings)

That one stumped me. How can you have a fake Andy Warhol painting considering all the garbage Warhol painted looked like art fraud to me.


bakerfredricka t1_j3rtmo1 wrote

At this point no one gives a shit about the Walshe paintings, the key issue now is whether or not Brian actually murdered Ana (unfortunately that's what all signs point to). My heart is broken for poor Ana and her family, I even hurt for her kids, imagine going through life knowing one of your parents ended up murdering the other, that shit has got to be very deeply traumatizing.


[deleted] t1_j3rupt4 wrote

He was in home depot getting "supplies" with a mask on and latex gloves. Im no detective but after reading an article about this I concluded that she is more than likely dead.


Tall_Disaster_8619 t1_j3s26o8 wrote

I can't imagine the sequence of events that leads you to murder your wife and leave behind 3 kids. Divorce is always an option if you don't like a spouse, no need to butcher people.


Academic_Guava_4190 t1_j3s9qxh wrote

An interesting point was made that he is supposed to be paying restitution on the paintings. The theory was that either he killed her for the insurance money to make the payment or they had an argument because he likely spent the money he was supposed to be using for the restitution after selling the Cohasset house that burned.


paganlobster t1_j3t8myq wrote

I mean if you wanna know how abusers and family annihilators think, and the reasons behind what they do, you can find that info here on reddit or with a quick google search. But if you want the short layperson's version: it's aggrieved entitlement. Dude felt he had the right to control her life, and when she refuses or tries to leave, he kills her.


Linux-Is-Best t1_j3taga3 wrote

Cohasset, Massachusetts, is right on Massachusetts Bay.

There is a large seaside (coastline), right there, including the surrounding communities. I doubt anyone will find anything in the woods. But searching the coastline can be like finding a needle in a haystack.


rocketwidget t1_j3tib67 wrote

If you are innocent, definitely don't talk to the police, innocent people get in trouble for this all the time.

If you are an actual murderer, it would be very stupid to talk to the police, also.

But I'm not your lawyer, so please, do that.


MajorHistoricalCunt t1_j3u1a9j wrote

Reminder. Rachel Rollins could have kept him locked up. Blood on her hands


QzsRaven t1_j3vmosa wrote

He needs to man up, grow a pair, and tell the investigators where his wife’s body is. It’s his last act of decency.


Unique-Public-8594 OP t1_j3vo743 wrote

Agree 100%. I’m thinking there are interrogators on this case skilled at bringing that out in people if at all possible.

The Maserati, the two homes (one in DC), art fraud, real estate scam, stealing a mil from his father… it’s sounding more and more like a couple trying to live beyond their means. So very sad for the little boys.


BostonUH t1_j3w59c3 wrote

Totally. As soon as I heard that voicemail he left where he was way too casual and said something like “just wondering if you saw her Sunday… or, err, any day since Sunday” I knew he was 100% behind it


mynameisnoteliza t1_j3zjbiv wrote

If he’s under house arrest wouldn’t he have been wearing an ankle monitor?