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egv78 t1_j5i2vjz wrote

I've heard a rumor that the key is to say that you're getting intermittent blinking of your lights whenever it's windy. If that's happening, it could mean that branches are contacting with the lines and causing shorts - which is a dangerous situation. So they'll def trim for that.

As for who's responsible for which parts, I've been told that NG is responsible for anything between the poles. But the last line from the pole to your house (even before it hits the meter) is actually homeowner's responsibility.


DARfuckinROCKS t1_j5l79b6 wrote

Actually you should tell them your lights keep getting really bright and then dim. Flicking is a loose leg(low priority), dimming is a loose neutral, big fire hazard. They'll move you up the list because they're liable and they don't like to pay. I work for Evilcorp electric. :)