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Ksevio t1_j1rruuj wrote

Littleton has quite a few apartment complexes and easier access to highways for moving around the state or if you can find a place, Ayer has a nice downtown for the size


afterdark-afterlight t1_j1rvf4g wrote

Pepperell is a pretty quiet town, you would have to get used to driving at least 20 minutes to really get anywhere (the highway, a decent grocery store). not sure if this is the same complex but a family member of mine lived in one in Pepperell and had a bad experience with management (neighbors did as well, huge raises in rent without anything to show for it forced people out). the townhouse was nice though.


No_Preference2949 t1_j1uhlsa wrote

Keep in mind you may one day leave that job and take a job closer to Boston. Pepperell, Hudson, and Nashua are 30-40 miles away from Boston and in some cases not close to any highway so they are cheaper to live. In this area it can take 60 minutes to commute 15 miles, it isn’t uncommon for it to take 2 hours to drive into the city during rush hour and it doesn’t matter if you take public transportation as our system sucks, it’s still 2 hours. I live in Dunstable, when I moved here I had a job in Lexington thought the commute was long but okay. Now I work in Seaport and it’s brutal, I love my job and my home so I live with it but still hate it.

And for the record living in NH isn’t cheaper if you work In Massachusetts. You will pay more in property tax and since there is no reciprocity between the states you will pay MA income tax and not get your money back. If you partake in marijuana, you will also have to come to MA to buy since it’s still illegal in NH. I don’t smoke but I’m amazed to see how many people do and the come from all walks of life so no judgement here. The only claim NH really has over MA is you can buy an arsenal of weapons with just a driver’s license. You can do the same in MA but ya gotta pay the government some money every few years for a license, my CC permit is $100 every 5 years; yes you can get a CC permit in MA by taking a gun safety course.


classicrock40 t1_j1t1bzj wrote

It's pretty rural, but you'll be close to work. For the area, the main strip isn't that bad - Walgreens, diner, liquor store, dominoes, rail trail, Cumberland, grocery, dunkin, pizza, hardware store, etc. They have good 4th of July fireworks! You aren't too far from Nashua, NH with shopping, restaurants, whatever. Not too far from Boston, can take the train from Ayer. Route 119 goes right through Groton and connects to i495 and route 2 isn't that far. You have options, depending on what you're looking for.


limegreenskittle t1_j1vcih2 wrote

Pepperell is so small it has no traffic lights. Nice quiet town, close to NH border for tax free shopping


suspiciouslines t1_j22rniw wrote

I love pepperell! Quiet, rural town. The center area has a lot of close together housing though. There’s a rail trail that runs through it which is nice for walking, running, and cycling.