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sourdoughobsessed t1_j0xrx71 wrote

But he also raped her. So yeah. Not sure why they didn’t require him to register.


Abject-Rich t1_j0z3696 wrote

Most likely because the charges were negotiated to avoid that. He has a powerful family.


EnoughIdeas t1_j0xvi32 wrote

Rape can be very hard to prove in court. Vaginas and anuses very resilient and stretchy; they heal/recovery decently quick. Without witnesses or solid DNA evidence it's impossible plus he had the title boyfriend so it's not inconceivable that his semen would be inside her without foul play. Too many avenues for reasonable doubt even though we all know he did that and is just awful.

Dude should be on a few lists because Justin Curtis is a worthless POS who makes fucking Ted Cruz look empathic .