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arnoldsaysterminated t1_j122u0w wrote

How much you want to bet she flew blue lives matter bullshit all over the place before this incident. Very Smart.


Comfortable-Scar4643 t1_j13mmix wrote

I live in Massachusetts, and you see a lot of signs about how the person living in that house supports the police. No shit. We all support the police. We’re against the police that Break the law and effectively make good cops look bad. It’s astounding. You’re going to support bad cops? Or you’re gonna question the legitimacy of an election because some New York real estate developer tells you that you should? And therefore by any means necessary you’re going to overturn the result? Including attacking the police? Makes no sense.


TacticalBill t1_j13ttog wrote

Respectfully, you don’t speak for me in MA. We do not all support the police. Happy Holidays, cheers!


Syncope7 t1_j14j88z wrote

You had better not pay taxes then. That goes right to their salaries!


WhittlingDan t1_j159o45 wrote

Those taxes also support things like healthcare, schools, social services, safety regulations, and more. Taxes are a necessity of a civilized society, one that cares for its members. Not Eve is perfect. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. I will pay my taxes happily, but also vote, speak out for what is right and for those needing help, and physical get involved with the community, with protests and an assortment of other actions.


ButterAndPaint t1_j140k73 wrote

>No shit. We all support the police.

No, we do not. The mayor of Boston does not, and obviously it's a popular position because she got elected.
