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mightycranberry t1_j28vkdz wrote

I'm originally from NJ, moved to San Francisco, then to Massachusetts. Massachusetts is by far my favorite place to live.

  1. The historic buildings, graveyards, architecture, is so beautiful. Even down town in the heart of everything there are little nooks and cranies everywhere to explore.

  2. As someone who's been to San Francisco, and New York City, Boston is so clean compared to them (although New York is a pretty low bar to clear)

  3. I love how you can drive a few hours in almost any direction and get to explore a new state. When I first moved to Cali, it took me a bit to wrap my head around the fact I could drive for 12 hours straight and still be in the same state. (Maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea)

  4. There's always something going on in or around the city.

  5. The FOOD! Seriously. Omg.

There's plenty more, but that's all I can think of at the moment. Bottom line is Massachusetts is awesome and I love it here. I had the option to move back to NJ a few years ago after a breakup and I chose to stay here, alone, (because I'm crazy) because I like it here so much. I met my now husband shortly after that though.