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Crazyhellga t1_izule23 wrote

The drive that normally takes me 30 minutes took 80 tonight. Seemed like every major east-west road was blocked by accidents. And when I went around, my ABS lights were coming on all the frigging time, and on one tiny hill, not even steep, my car barely made it. I decided to play it safe and went on major roads the rest of the way... I don't think it's accumulation, I think it's slippery underneath, and I think lots of people were caught unawares. I didn't expect snow, only saw the forecast when I was already out the door this morning, and no one in class knew about it either. Wonder if road maintenance people were equally caught with their pants down... Only one stretch of road was in good shape, about 2 miles out of 20.

On the upside, I didn't observe anyone doing anything stupid on the road... everyone was going slowly though most didn't maintain good distance (it's Massachusetts after all!).


qwrrty t1_izv9jnk wrote

For what it's worth, I saw the forecast for 1" of snow tonight yesterday morning. (I remember because at first I misread it and thought it was for Saturday night, and only caught my error when I'd already started to adjust my Saturday plans.)

I assume that DPW can't pivot on a dime to prep the roads if snow has come earlier than expected, but I'm also a little surprised if they weren't prepared by December 1. Supply chain issues possibly?


zshybabez t1_izv9b7o wrote

I was seeing some pretty reckless driving on 95 south until we passed two cars that had badly spun out and I let me tell you, everyone slowed WAY down after that lol


Crazyhellga t1_izvmx0n wrote

That's why I decided not to get on 95/Turnpike and take local roads instead. I knew that the likelihood of encountering a moron who believes themselves immortal is the highest on the interstate. And there is one ramp that I don't like even in dry weather, so no way was I testing it in this slippery mess.