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Unique-Public-8594 t1_j2e2b6n wrote

Reply to comment by superbbuffalo in It’s New Years Eve… by notme6197

What? Your message is “parents, Don’t be concerned about an increase in drunk drivers on NYE?”

That’s a weird take.


PakkyT t1_j2ey6hp wrote

I think he is, in a very round about way, trying to say that if the concern is other drunk drivers, then he drives himself home or the parents driving him home, the danger is mostly equal. Neither driver is going to be able to do anything about a drunk driver blowing through the red at an intersection and t-boning your car.

As others mentioned though, he may not be legally able to drive after 12:30am and his work should not be scheduling a minor to work a second past midnight. That is an irresponsible work place.


goPACK17 t1_j2f048j wrote

Ya, this was my thinking reading this post as well. It doesn't matter if your son drives himself home, OP picks him up, or Jesus himself takes the wheel. If there are drunk drivers on the road, the risk is equal regardless of whose in the driver's seat.


Darklighter10 t1_j2ftor4 wrote

Dude, Jesus lived 2000 years ago, he is my lost choice to drive,a car.


J-daddy96 t1_j2eck6i wrote

Sounds like a perfect chance to let the boy drive home and to stress his caution.

Literally the 1st sentence… ;)
