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Thisbymaster t1_izpnp1d wrote

A fellow gas furnace owner. I so desperately wanted to get heat pumps installed instead but there just isn't any cash.


z0olander t1_izq15tt wrote

If you go through mass save, there is a program for a 7 year zero interest loan for heat pumps. There's also a rebate, ~3K or 10K, depending on whether you convert partially or fully off of oil.


modernhomeowner t1_izqijng wrote

You have to have a good electric rate. Right now, gas is cheaper than a heat pump to operate. You'd need electric at under 17¢, and that's just the utility difference, it doesn't even pay you back for the cost of the heat pump, which for me was $18,000, after the $10,000 rebate. $28k without the rebate.


Thisbymaster t1_izqdwty wrote

I have an appointment in January. I have been waiting two months.


SynbiosVyse t1_izrzi1g wrote

Heat pumps are worse in my experience. Regretting it bad now.