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ArmlessGeodude t1_izjr1je wrote

Lots of happy hour encouragement here. I'd like to say that those of use who were too young to experience it do not care at all that it is gone.

I don't speak for everyone, but the people vying for its return are certainly not in the age group that it would be primarily geared towards.


squarerootofapplepie t1_izk88z9 wrote

Yeah after months of them being in MA from other states I told my friends from grad school about the ban on happy hour and they hadn’t even realized there was one. I don’t think it matters that much.


brufleth t1_izjvhjc wrote

It is a weird thing that only a handful of people on reddit seem to care so intensely about. Just like sports betting. Who the fuck actually cares?

I don't want to go out drinking with people after work. If I go out for drinks a happy hour isn't going to change the decision one way or another.


ksoops t1_izm2ybp wrote

Me me me me me.

Think about others; it's healthy sometimes


Jolly-Affect7798 t1_izna9t0 wrote

Hahaha fuck off you stupid rotting boomer, you’re done

Go play tinkly winks in the alley like it’s 1961