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LadyGreyIcedTea t1_izh7kzq wrote

We get very little snow in December. January-March is the snow jackpot in Boston.


oliverollie07 OP t1_izh7yoq wrote

That’s true.


jp_jellyroll t1_izjcudd wrote

And you'll regret saying this when it's still snowing in April. The rest of the country will get a nice Spring thaw and feel the warm sun on their skin. We'll still be shoveling & salting like idiots.


oliverollie07 OP t1_izjt9wo wrote

No my least fav season is spring. Winter, fall, summer then spring.


WendellVaughn_Quasar t1_izh51d9 wrote

Welcome to New England... it'll either snow tomorrow or not until next year. Or, somehow, both. It all depends on chance.


oliverollie07 OP t1_izh5sjy wrote

This is my 2nd year in MA, I used to live in Calgary so I am missing the cold snowy winter days.


goPACK17 t1_izh684w wrote

You're about 5-6 years too late to the snow game in MA. We're basically a desert these days


Academic_Guava_4190 t1_izh71kq wrote

Hush your mouth. After 2015 we don’t need anymore winters like that.


whosafraidofthebbw t1_izh7qzh wrote

Are you kidding? I'd love one, it would liven things up a bit


Sloth_are_great t1_izh9ege wrote

That year was a nightmare for me as a disabled person. Couldn’t leave my house for months

Edit: typo fixed


Academic_Guava_4190 t1_izh88sc wrote

Until you have to dig out… if you live in a complex with a garage then you don’t get to vote for immense snow storms


WinsingtonIII t1_izink0i wrote

A desert? I agree that snow totals have gone done over the years, but they’ve largely just been replaced with winter rain and sleet, there’s still plenty of winter precipitation. For instance, it rained most of the day just this Wednesday. Droughts around here seem to happen in the summer (and they are far from every year).


vitico1 t1_izh7yr2 wrote

Calgary is such a cool beautiful city, welcome to Massachusetts!


oliverollie07 OP t1_izh88c3 wrote

It is! I love MA too, but nothing beats the cold cold winter up there!


vitico1 t1_izh9h0f wrote

I went there in the middle of winter (few years back) and it was insanely cold also very windy, drove 10 minutes outside the city and was very surprised to see cowboys


modernhomeowner t1_izh65fa wrote

I was talking to a homeless guy today who told me we are expecting some flakes this weekend. Damn that made me out of touch to get my news from a homeless guy, but I guess he needs to know more than I do.


wkomorow t1_izh5l19 wrote

Join us in the Berkshires, we are expecting snow Sunday. Only an inch, but still.


oliverollie07 OP t1_izh5v4r wrote

Lucky you. I just want a snowy December.


wkomorow t1_izh6ry1 wrote

It has been weird. The ski centers have been making snow, the last few days have seen the 40s. Nights are cold enough but the days have been warm. The snow will be gone by Monday.


WendellVaughn_Quasar t1_izh92eh wrote

It was almost 60 today! I love/hate these days when I start in longjohns and end up sweating in a tee-shirt.


Itchy-Marionberry-62 t1_izhcvgr wrote

They say this weekend maybe. Don’t worry…you will have frigid air and winds…ice and snow and darkness for months to come! 😀👍🏼


dicknorichard t1_izh9pcl wrote

I need to hold back. I.. I.. F##k you all. Snow is death. Snow is DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDaaaaath. Glad I held back


Bawstahn123 t1_izij3wg wrote

We are "supposed" to get a 'wintry mix' of snow and rain on monday, according to the last time I looked at the weather forecast


seriousnotshirley t1_iziw655 wrote

We might see a bit of the light stuff this month sometime in the last 20 years there’s been a real shift to not seeing any real snow until January.

Of course we could get 6” around Christmas but it’s much more unusual than it used to be.


B-Roc- t1_izj58rz wrote

Be careful what you ask for. It wasn't all that long ago that after nearly a snowless winter, every Sunday and Wednesday brought a new blizzard and roofs were collapsing and roads unnavigable because of high snowbanks. It is still early. Winter is coming.