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beaveristired t1_iz13oo8 wrote

After a while, spray and matches start to kinda smell like shit, though. Like the smells mingle and it all starts to smell the same.

The answer is Poo-pourri, if people are considerate enough to spray the toilet water first.


5teerPike t1_iz13umb wrote

That's why I like incense matches, the smell of sulfur doesn't linger


beaveristired t1_iz18eai wrote

Do they smell like incense? Some people can’t handle the incense smell. I’m fine with incense, but if it’s strong then after a while I’d probably just associate the matches with bathroom smells.


5teerPike t1_iz18n04 wrote

They do, but they're not intense because they burn out within a minute. They smell better than sulfur, and the incense smell doesn't linger. They're quite nice IMHO, but I better stop talking about it lest my suggestion to keep matches in your pocket be mistaken for a crusade lol