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roadtrip-ne t1_j16c5z7 wrote

Unless Harvard has some employee parking I’d plan on taking a train. The Observatory and the University Press have lots, but they are outside the Square.

One good solution would be to commute into Alewife and take the Red Line 3 stops over to the square.


roadtrip-ne t1_j16icsw wrote

I work over that way, it fills up but there’s an overflow lot at Summer Shack.

Harvard is much bigger than the Square though so you might have other options. There are facilities everywhere from Lower Allston to Fresh Pond, and then branching out towards Inman, Porter and Central.

Everyone I know that works at Harvard loves it. If you haven’t gone through the process before expect at least 3 interviews, and if you make the final cut you’ll get an email that you have 24 hours to put together three personal references from people you’ve actually worked with/or for. So have your ducks in a row for that.


ComprehensiveRain527 t1_j16sgzg wrote

Just to add that the traffic on route 2 to alewife can be bad but if you’re that early it might be a bit better. Another option is to go to Lincoln, they have commuter train lot that is always empty now and take commuter rail to Porter square then Harvard.


MajorProblem50 t1_j16z6wi wrote

Absolutely brutal if you take 90. I used to go from Waltham to Framingham and remember seeing the traffic the other way towards Boston, it's like bumper to bumper every morning.


Positive-Material t1_j17ipko wrote

Harvard pays the least to their workers out of all universities.. they pay with prestige for working there, not dollars.. the commute can be done, but it is.. just easier to live somewhere closer and walk to work. That is what everyone does. Rent a room in Porter square. Best area. You can take the red line train or walk for half an hour.


Dreadedtrash t1_j18gle4 wrote

I live in Westboro and work in Newton about a mile off the pike. I aim to get to work at 7am. Usually it take about an hour taking the pike in.


Menacing_Anus42 t1_j19be61 wrote

Commute driving will be rough, both in and out. Doesn't matter which way you go.

Train probably be the best. Either commuter or park at a redline station and go to Hvd Sq.