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cdcyclist t1_j1lxk5u wrote

Some many years back now in 2008 I lost my job and everything. I was totally unprepared and through some misteps I could also not collect unemployment. So I ended up getting really behind on my utilities.

I got the threats of shutting off service/utilities and I called them to plead based on the same information about a law preventing shut off in these cold months.

They told me the same thing, pound sand. They are sending a guy to shut it off. At the time I lived in an apartment and the shut off would mean I'd have to let the guy in. So I just didn't answer my door.

Sometime shortly after that I called the Valley Opportunity Council and explained my situation. I wished I had just gone to them much sooner. They informed me that the utility company could not and should not be doing such, and if was unlawful. They stepped in and got the utility companies off my ass and even helped me settle the bill.

I don't know if you're in Western Ma or not, but if so, talk to those people at the VoC. They really saved my ass. You may have a similar program in your region of MA if not.

Good luck.