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Thomas_Perscors t1_iwg75gx wrote

I’m from Michigan too. I’ve never seen anyone come to a stop in MA or really go below 40 while merging, unless traffic is bad.

What’s different, in my experience, is the way Michigan drivers will floor it to 80 on the entrance ramp and then make a beeline to the fast lane.

I almost never see that out here. People tend to change lanes slower and less frequently. There isn’t as much racing to get one car length ahead.


MazW t1_iwgjk1s wrote

I think the only reason we don't see people entering traffic at 80 mph out here is because it's not possible. But who knows. I have read MA is comparatively low on fatal accidents, so maybe drivers are actually better here.


forrealz42 t1_iwgy5p0 wrote

I mean, a lot of these places (128), the speed limit is like 50. People trying to merge at 80 and beeline to the fast lane (while normal in Michigan) just come across as super aggressive here.


GaleTheThird t1_iwimlfs wrote

> I’ve never seen anyone come to a stop in MA or really go below 40 while merging, unless traffic is bad.

I get stuck behind someone merging on the highway at 30-35 almost every day it feels like