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Hot-Cry920 t1_ix1qcpg wrote

Yes you are wrong, the northeast lacks pipeline infrastructure. This puts a strain on generation with homes competing for this gas as well. LNG being redirected to europe is the nail in the coffin. Rolling blackouts are gonna happen if we have a cold winter. Iso New England has already warned grid operators. Green energy is great however does really bad with PEAK power. Dems continue to block NG infrastructure.


Fit-Anything8352 t1_ix1ulko wrote

Nuclear has no problems with peak power. People just need to get over themselves and let people build nuclear plants.


TeacherGuy1980 OP t1_ix3m3cx wrote

Why didn't we have the possibility of rolling blackouts two+ years ago with the existing infrastructure? Is there enough natural gas to pump into the region that liquified natural gas injections couldn't solve?


Hot-Cry920 t1_ix3uetd wrote

Lng tankers we are now competing with Europe. Also decommission of pilgrim nuclear in Plymouth hasnt helped