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TheWonderfail OP t1_iybm30b wrote

Thank you that was helpful. In this scenario I wouldn’t have plates so somehow the vehicle needs to end up in my driveway. Maybe the vehicle could be driven with their old plates, maybe I call a tow truck, etc.


PakkyT t1_iyd3gzp wrote

Since you are not transferring plates you will not be able to drive the car until you get the car registered. So you have a few choices to move the car to your place.

  1. Ask the seller if they can drive it to your house and do the transaction (exchanging payment, signing over the title, etc.) at your house. Then the seller can removed the plates from the car and leave. Of course this requires the seller to have someone drive them home again. Get the car insured and registered to get your new plates.

  2. Go to their place, do the transaction, leave without the car (leaving it with the seller), and get the car insured, registered, and receive your plates. Return to seller's place, attach plates to car and drive it home. In this case you will have to have someone take you to the seller's place the second time since you can not drive two cars home yourself.

  3. Have it towed. This would be my last choice as it is expensive.