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Tigger3-groton t1_ix91r5j wrote

Update: one dead, 14 injured


Proof-Variation7005 t1_ix976nn wrote

The really scary thing to think about is how much worse that would be if this happened on Friday this week instead of Monday.


ryandarr1979 t1_ixbc5se wrote

I lived in Hanover until three weeks ago. I went to Derby St all the time. The Apple Store always looks like its Friday. Don’t recall it ever not being super busy.


AboyNamedBort t1_ix9g4y8 wrote

And I bet they still don’t take their license away because America loves death caused by drivers


Enragedocelot t1_ix9xsur wrote

What’s your grievance coming out as a projection?


msupz t1_ixahiin wrote

I mean not to justify his anger but I was involved in a similar situation where an old lady drove through the store I was working at (not intentionally, she was just old AF) and she continued to keep her license after the fact because I saw her a week later with a new car.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_ix8sp9s wrote

Save You the Click Summary:

SUV, Derby Street Shops, Hingham

At least 5 injured

Article says there were dozens of first responders on the scene.



Maronita2020 t1_ix8xx47 wrote

Officials told South Shore Hospital to expect 7-10 people.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_ix9715o wrote

Follow up reports have confirmed one person died so far and the amount injured is closer to 15


SharpCookie232 t1_ix9p9mv wrote

The SUV was travelling fast enough that it shot through the store and ended up in the storage area at the back and the driver was alert and did not need to be taken to a hospital. How could this happen? Road rage? Intentional?


Jarsole t1_ix9u1bi wrote

At that time of day, at Derby St, my guess is that it's an elderly person out shopping for the holidays who maybe doesn't drive much anymore.


art_l_vandelay t1_ixa20nv wrote

I don't know many elderly people that drive 2019 Toyota 4 Runners, but of course, we don't know yet.


wildthing202 t1_ixaknmf wrote

Channel 7 said it was a 52/53 years old man. Twitter rumor has it as an ex-employee.


notmyrealname17 t1_ixajnp5 wrote

It was either intentional or the person may have had a medical crisis like a seizure or heart attack while driving.


KateLady t1_ixamb4y wrote

But the driver wasn’t taken to the hospital. Cruz said he was with police.


jamescobalt t1_ixa2777 wrote

Driver could have had a seizure or lost consciousness some other way. We don’t have information yet.


bubalusarnee t1_ixa5bn8 wrote

The DA does and the DA says it is a criminal investigation.


SharpCookie232 t1_ixabz3f wrote

Wow, and the construction worker's dead. That's 1st degree murder.


bubalusarnee t1_ixaftgw wrote

The deceased was an IT Professional.


SharpCookie232 t1_ixasd06 wrote

Sorry. has: "Late Monday afternoon, the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office identified the deceased as 65-year-old Kevin Bradley of New Jersey. Bradley was there “supporting recent construction at the store".


bubalusarnee t1_ixd58aa wrote

Okay, well, do you think a deceased IT professional working on store upgrades wants you calling him, authoritatively, a construction worker. Apple isn't calling him that.

What precisely are you standing up for, and against, with this?

I'm offering information. Have you chosen to take that personally?

We are not arguing, there is no winning in this. fyi.


bubalusarnee t1_ixdd41j wrote

“We are devastated by the shocking events at Apple Derby Street todayand the tragic loss of a professional who was onsite supporting recentconstruction at the store."


jamescobalt t1_ixhbzoi wrote

Key word is investigation. As in we don’t have all the information yet.


Apprehensive-Hat-494 t1_ix94ded wrote

Reports now say the vehicle was in the storage room behind the back wall of the storefront. So someone, from the bend in the plaza road, drove across 30 feet of an entrance plaza and through an entire store. Usually we see these kinds of crashes at the bottom of hills (like in Newton a few years ago) or when the storefront is right in front of a parking space. This was either a malicious act or a medical emergency.,-70.9102754,3a,75y,82.75h,86.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smDbX8-MnARnUnRrBZNDABg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


Proof-Variation7005 t1_ix97ao9 wrote

The reason I maybe wouldn't assume it's outright malicious is just that, if someone really wanted to hurt as many people, you're doing this on Black Friday, not a relatively quiet Monday morning before it.


bubalusarnee t1_ixa5913 wrote

The DA is treating it as a criminal act


Proof-Variation7005 t1_ixabzet wrote

yes, it would appear a lot of information has come out in the last 4 hours when I made this speculative comment.


Hen-stepper t1_ix99urc wrote

This is going to rock Hingham's world for sure. That plaza is so pristine... classical music playing all around the walkways.


Apprehensive-Hat-494 t1_ix8v4kk wrote

Judging from Street View this person must have suddenly accelerated while mid-turn and not braked for some time.


IsThisFappening t1_ix9vtsh wrote

I can back up the person who said it was disgruntled employee who was recently fired. I know someone who was on the left side that was okay. Anyone on the side of the phones however got mowed down. Awful.


rusty02536 t1_ixa6vct wrote

That Derby St Apple Store is way in the back of a busy complex and parking is a problem.

It’s a 4Runner so it probably hopped the curb, hopefully it was a innocent tragedy instead of something darker.

Blessings to the victims.


EagleRose1971 t1_ix90ls1 wrote

What are the odds this is an elderly driver who thought the gas was the brake?


[deleted] t1_ixa959a wrote



Victor_Korchnoi t1_ixb4pdh wrote

It sounds like it was (E) intentionally used his car as a weapon


[deleted] t1_ixb4sj9 wrote



Victor_Korchnoi t1_ixb53g5 wrote

The rumor is that it was a disgruntled former employee. Also that the DA has opened a criminal investigation.

Idk whether that counts as terrorism. It sounds like the guy “went postal”.


Myztic84 t1_ixc61s0 wrote

A coworker of mine's wife works in the area. I guess there was talk the driver was wearing a bulletproof vest. Not sure how accurate that info is.


smedlap t1_ix8y8u4 wrote



henrijellyfish t1_ixa8nis wrote

No idea why you're being downvoted. It seems as though it's under criminal investigation. An act like this is creating terror...


smedlap t1_ixaa34x wrote

I know! That said, word on the street is that it is a 53 yr old former employee who lives in Hingham. Not quite terrorism, but what a world we are living in! I am in the Derby St shops almost every day.


tryingkelly t1_ix94vu2 wrote

Certainly possible, accident is more likely though. We will have to wait and see


langjie t1_ix95ch8 wrote

heard a rumor that it was a disgruntled employee. police have said it's a "criminal investigation". still have to wait and see if the rumor has any merit


redditor420_69 t1_ix9b6xv wrote

Update: it was a disgruntled Apple store employee. The one death (so far) was another Apple store employee


ladywiththestarlight t1_ix9u6v2 wrote

I read that the death was a construction worker who had been working on some renovations there. Can’t find the article I read it in earlier tho!


MrMcSwifty t1_ixas0mo wrote

It's funny to me that you got absolutely smoked with downvotes for saying this, meanwhile multiple other people both here and r/boston are now getting upvotes for suggesting the same thing.


[deleted] t1_ix9hkno wrote



FallenKnightGX t1_ix9room wrote

Sure, make public transportation better and I'll sell my car no issue.

No car payments? No car insurance? Less traffic? Sign me up!

Give me some bullet trains and in a decade automatically driven car services to sign up for and I'll drop my car in a heartbeat.

Oh you mean guns. Here's something to think about - Cars serve multiple purposes and killing is not a primary purpose otherwise they'd have Madmax options when you buy a car and not auto emergency braking systems.

Guns have one purpose, to kill. It's a weapon not a mode of transportation.

But sure, continue with whatever that line of logic is despite being completely off topic / base from the article and tragedy that struck today to selfishly attempt to further your own political goals.


Enragedocelot t1_ix9ygv7 wrote

It sounds like you’re an angry gun owner trying to be satirical. And I can’t tell what’s real lol. But fuck yea to this, fuck cars man. I’ll sell my car as soon as public transit is bussin’


corgibutt19 t1_ixanwyq wrote

Funny, pretty sure we have fairly strict laws around car use and are talking about adding more (i.e. retesting for elderly).


warlocc_ t1_ix9upca wrote

I get the joke you're going for, but you know it's not gonna land in this sub.


SLEEyawnPY t1_ixaslkt wrote

Seemed more like the illucid ramblings of a drug addict than anything one could conventionally categorize as a "joke"


warlocc_ t1_ixaus44 wrote

Replace "vehicles" with "guns" and you'll get it.

A joke is still a joke even if it's a bad one.


Banea-Vaedr t1_ix8o38b wrote

How much do you think they paid the hospital Staff that told them how many injuries there were?


Levophed t1_ix8rodf wrote

Could have been an administrator that fields these calls.


Banea-Vaedr t1_ix8rqez wrote

Probably. But how much did they get paid to leak the info?


Levophed t1_ix8s6o3 wrote

0, that's not a leak that just press asking how many people are expected to come to the hospital. Those are general answers they give. Depending on the scope of what is going on they will say basic things to the press.


Banea-Vaedr t1_ix8saz8 wrote

They're generally not supposed to tell the press that info outside of an official announcement


Levophed t1_ix8tinp wrote

What if the administrator, who handles the press releases and makes those judgements, is also a nurse.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_ix8thti wrote

If news outlets had to pay for the number of injuries in a mass casualty event, every media outlet would be broke by now.


Banea-Vaedr t1_ix8y56r wrote

They sometimes keep informants on retainers


bubalusarnee t1_ixa5mz8 wrote

Lol, do you four have a butt-hurt club and you're trolling r/massachusetts for the lulz or something?

Keep going, you probably don't have anything better to do.


mynameisnoteliza OP t1_ix8o97r wrote

Didn’t even think about that. Doesn’t that nurse have better things to do?


Banea-Vaedr t1_ix8obd1 wrote

Probably not. Hospital probably doesn't pay nearly enough


Unique-Public-8594 t1_ix8sf0n wrote

every/any time there are mass casualties, the hospital directs inquiries to their public relations department.

Hospitals prepare for events that will trigger press inquiries.

Odd that a nurse was quoted.

I think their boss will see this as “an educational opportunity.”


paddenice t1_ix96lrj wrote

Oftentimes you can estimate based on the number of ambulances on scene from the helicopter above.