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sjashe t1_ivq1mjk wrote

I voted no on that, because my dental insurance and plan has been very good and low cost for over 50 years.

Whenever you add more regulation and more laws.. and you get is a higher cost. Just watch what happens to our dental plans now.

I only wish our regular health care worked as well as our dental plans


MOGicantbewitty t1_ivq3nsz wrote

You know what? I don’t think you are telling the truth at all. You’ve only become active in the last year in the MA & NH subs. Are a Jordan Peterson fan. And make really weird assertions about communism.

What low cost plan do you have available to you in Great Barrington?


[deleted] t1_ivq4pn3 wrote

Most dental is low cost.


MOGicantbewitty t1_ivq53yl wrote

Lmfao!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Get the fuck out of here shill. You already lost


[deleted] t1_ivw4d1t wrote

I pay like $125 a month


MOGicantbewitty t1_ivw8xn0 wrote

Prove it. Show me the paystubs with your address and name blanked. But you better leave the zip code since you are pretending to be from Great Barrington. Or link to the plan. Because you are a liar

Your word means nothing. Evidence is publicly available. Or you could provide your own individual evidence blanking out identifying information. Do it or fuck off. Because you’re a goddamn liar

And show me what benefits you are eligible for at that price. Because it’s nothing more than a scam


[deleted] t1_iw2ibln wrote

Seems like a lot of anger over a quote.


MOGicantbewitty t1_iw2xkr3 wrote

Yes, I’m so aaaangry. Now you’ve really proved me wrong. Lmao

Those plans every single one of them has a maximum benefit of $1000 a year. MAX! Plus deductibles. And at best cover preventative care and 40-50% of other dental care. Including fillings. But only up to $1000. That’s it’s.

And you STILL didn’t prove that’s what you pay. Nor that the new law wouldn’t make it better.

Go away shill. You lost and you still haven’t shown me anything that backs up your argument. Bye!


MOGicantbewitty t1_ivw9qae wrote

So you pay $1500 a year. For what? $75 for an annual exam? X rays every couple of years for $250 every two years? So you spend $1500 a year to get $200 a year in preventative care? What’s your co-pay for that? How much do they cover in other services?

Seriously, come with numbers and proof of those numbers or GTFO. Because you STILL haven’t provided anything but your bullshit word.


[deleted] t1_iw2j0sr wrote

That’s a family plan. 4 people.


MOGicantbewitty t1_iw2xm9j wrote

Bye shill!


[deleted] t1_iw3frus wrote

You need some help. I feel bad for your boyfriend, although, he’s probably as nuts as you are.


MOGicantbewitty t1_iw3g0gm wrote

Ohhhhh noooooo…. I’m sooooo hurt. I must be really crazy if some idiot on Reddit resorts to ad hominem attacks. 😂😂😂 That’s honestly pathetic. Bye!


sjashe t1_ivu7sm1 wrote

Sorry I don't post to your standard of acceptability.

Peterson is a fascinating speaker, making a great impact on thousands (more than any reddit poster).

As to me, if I've paid more than $30 a year over 50 years on dental costs (beyond the premium, which is <$5 a week), I'ld be surprised (and it was usually a mistake by the dentist where he overcharged.. and I let it go).


MOGicantbewitty t1_ivuc2oz wrote

Prove it. Show me ONE dental plan in MA that has existed for 50 years that costs less than $5 a week and covers enough to only pay $30 a year in co-pays.

There isn’t one, you big fat lying shill. Get the fuck out of here because you already lost.

There has been no plan available in Massachusetts for 50 years that cost less than five dollars a week and covers everything. Prove it or you’re a big fat lying shil.


sjashe t1_ivv4svh wrote

Wow.. you are really the example of reddit commenter.

I said I have had insurance here for over 50 years.. first through parents, then through my employer for last 35 years. Im sure the insurer changed many times over the years, but I just checked my paystub and I paid 8.88 for a two week period.

Sorry your life is so tough. I'm saying I like my dental care. Sad that you let this get you so upset, life is too short for that.


MOGicantbewitty t1_ivv6yq9 wrote

Yup. I am a typical Redditor. I know how easy it is to provide evidence. But you refuse to… because you can’t. Honestly, embarrass me! Prove me wrong!

Lmao…. If you can’t stand the typical Redditor this much, then maybe you don’t belong here. Because we all expect evidence. We aren’t stupid, we know what astroturfing is we know what paid shills look like, and we know what trolls look like. This isn’t Facebook. Try somewhere else if you think you can do better.

Or prove me wrong. With evidence besides your invaluable word

Really… prove to me that those numbers ACTUALLY exist.


MOGicantbewitty t1_ivv79xs wrote

Seriously, prove it. Blank out your name and address besides zip code, since you are pretending to be from Great Barrington. Show my those paystubs. And link me the the dental plan. It’s publicly available information


MOGicantbewitty t1_ivq435g wrote

So you bought dental insurance in MA in 1972? Only 6 years after is became available in MA? And have kept the same insurance company for 50 years? So you must have Delta Dental. THATS you idea of a low cost high benefit plan? Lmao…. No.


MOGicantbewitty t1_ivq387m wrote

Could you share that dental plan? I’d certainly appreciate a low cost dental plan that’s existed for 50 years.

But if your’s is already low costs and your benefits equal your premiums, then you wouldn’t have been affected.