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graemeknows t1_ixo7unf wrote

This is the most Massachusetts post ever.


HyruleJedi t1_ixo9hm1 wrote

This is the most ‘tell me your new to new england’ post ever


Lber127 OP t1_ixp2non wrote

I’m not new just recently 21 so I never paid attention 😭


tobiasrfunke t1_ixnmuwf wrote

Liquor sales are prohibited in MA on Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Lber127 OP t1_ixnpgck wrote

Oh I had no idea


LifeOfTired t1_ixnts1y wrote



RevengencerAlf t1_ixox364 wrote

To be fair Thanksgiving specifically is supposed to be a secular national holiday. I would support forcing all businesses that don't provide a critical service to be closed so their employees can actually get the day off for this one instance.


[deleted] t1_ixnmxt1 wrote

No. Lol. It’s Thanksgiving. Plan ahead.


[deleted] t1_ixnoxq9 wrote



[deleted] t1_ixnxfo8 wrote

Do you want to work today?


[deleted] t1_ixo2ryl wrote



Puzzleheaded_Ad_7204 t1_ixo7xwk wrote

You must be fun at parties


[deleted] t1_ixoanvh wrote



dan420 t1_ixojwaz wrote

Alright so now you want them to work on a federal holiday? So you can get booze without going too far because you didn’t think ahead?They can celebrate or not however they’d like, they deserve a day of rest as much or more than all the rest of us.


[deleted] t1_ixoky5e wrote



dan420 t1_ixolj6t wrote

It’s ridiculous. Whether they celebrate it or not, basically everyone gets the day off. There isn’t a huge Native population in MA, just acting like some large percentage of those people will magically work for near minimum wage, at liquor stores, on Thanksgiving if sales were allowed, is silly.


[deleted] t1_ixo7av9 wrote



Excellent_Fee2252 t1_ixo81sj wrote

I think that’s an unfair assumption. You have no idea if they worked today. Based on their comment saying “mass genocide meal” I’d say there’s at least a fair chance maybe they don’t celebrate.


[deleted] t1_ixo8jq1 wrote



GenerallyYikes t1_ixo9pos wrote

Check NH. I'm on the Methuen/Salem line and my local convince store is open. No liquor, just beer and wine.


stillflat9 t1_ixonb53 wrote

They were selling beer at the Cumbies near me. Try that!


irishgypsy1960 t1_ixq9qc9 wrote

I think the golden goose market in the north end might have been selling yesterday. I already had wine so didn’t think to try it while I was in there.


Santorini1963 t1_ixp8lkm wrote

Ya gotta keep a dayz back up supply hidden under your bed for the dayz when you’d ask this question— just don’t tell your roommates! They’ll think it’s a stash available to raid on any random Tuesday.


Db3ma t1_ixqmwo2 wrote

Silly. Learn that prior planning prevents poor consumption. Buy more the day before ☺


Lber127 OP t1_ixqxmv2 wrote

Yea it was totally on me but learned my lesson for next year


mini4x t1_ixr0pgk wrote

Just pop over the border, almost every conveince store, gas station, supermarket in NH sells beer/wine.


itallendsintears t1_ixo63w3 wrote

Booze sucks anyways. Stupidity in bottles for the working classes.

Drug dealers are open 365. Just sayin


Haunting_Hand_1254 t1_ixo6vsk wrote

Or just do both like an adult