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Quincyperson t1_iwl4xeh wrote

When Kasich ran in 2016, during the debates he would give moderate answers in a calm tone. He was essentially ignored by the rest of the circus clowns who were pissing on each other’s shoes to see who could push the fringe furthest right. Maybe the GOP will learn their lesson, but I doubt it


Sayoria t1_iwl7qiu wrote

A lot of this also stems from the media. My old job I worked at in 2016, we had CNN on the TV all the time. Onne thing I noticed was that CNN would not keep him off the TV. I even said to myself he was going to win because they gave him waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much airtime.

People like Trump shouldn't be brought to the front like he is. He should have been ignored.


spectatorsport101 t1_iwoevui wrote

but it wasnt and isnt the fringe. Any opinion poll today finds that the majority of the party believes that a certified US presidential election was false, that January 6th was a false flag attack by “antifa”