Submitted by schuyler_white t3_z0xr3s in massachusetts

I’ve now deleted the original post, but wanted to express my sincerest gratitude to this little community for all of your help and suggestions. Hug your furry friends close, that feeling was indescribable. Love to you all



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keekeeVogel t1_ix81lv1 wrote

How long?! That’s the most gut wrenching feeling.


CloroxWipes1 t1_ix8ginb wrote

Such great news. How long was pupper's unauthorized safari?


t00_much_caffeine t1_ix8slwq wrote

Is this a follow up to that fluffy pup being lost?! Sooooo glad you found him ❤️


schuyler_white OP t1_ix8xjyx wrote

13 hours!!! Truly the worst night ever. The odds of finding a lost dog are about 93% but it’s still so easy to think the worst, especially with how chilly it was last night. She’s a sensitive lil thing so we were just gutted every minute she was gone. She’s surprisingly and thankfully doing just fine, albeit a little spooked.

Fuck fireworks!


keekeeVogel t1_ix8zdty wrote

My senior Jack Russell was gone for three days in the middle of winter. She was my entire world, I was a wreck. Turns out three different families had her and really random things happened that she got lost. There was a whole FB thread following her which was so kind. When I got her she was crying so hard as was I. I said “I guess you know this is my dog” They were so lovely and refused money.

6 yrs later I have a new rescue. She went out and I didn’t know someone left the gate open. I was hysterical. Her tags hadn’t come yet and she didn’t know the neighborhood. Thank god our neighbor had her. It’s so scary, not like a kid you can call!


fenfox4713 t1_ix9fr97 wrote

Was this the Aussie Mika post?


joeltb t1_ix9frle wrote

I can't even imagine. :( I would be a total wreck. I once knew this guy who lost his dog in the White Mountains of NH and for 40 days he would go up that mountain every day until they were once again reunited. Can you believe it, 40 days! Miracles happen. Anywho, I am so happy you got your pup back!


CLS4L t1_ixafs05 wrote

Bestest day Evers