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YaBoiFluke t1_iws2izz wrote

Tailgating the shit out of people, as many people in this state do, causes traffic. It causes the entire highway to yo yo. This makes everything even more worse than it already is. They are anticipating the person in front of them breaking for a second and then accelerating, which is what normally happens.


charons-voyage t1_iws4d9o wrote

I read a report once that said leaving a football field between each car actually REDUCES traffic and improved traffic flow compacted to tailgating. But too many degenerate nascar drivers in MA to understand that


677536543 t1_iws4dix wrote

Thank you. This is exactly what happens. Multiple cars ride each other's asses and repeatedly tap the brakes, causing the whip-crack effect when traffic slows in front of them ever so slightly. Leaving some space and not having to brake every time the person in front of you does, does wonders for preventing stop-and-go traffic.


Darklighter10 t1_iwsi51d wrote

I always think of this when a red light turns green. If everyone left some space, we could theoretically all hit the gas at the same time when it turns green and never be at a stop except for when it’s red.


dubble_chyn OP t1_iws8l2i wrote

You can be closer than 5+ car lengths without tailgating. Not saying everyone should be bumper-to-bumper, but keep up for god’s sake.


YaBoiFluke t1_iwsdz70 wrote

The average reaction time to cars in front of you is roughly a second. If you are going 70mph, it will take you approximately 6-7 car lengths to recognize they slammed on their brakes. They would also be going a slower speed than you. At that point you’d better pray your brakes are better than theirs.


ReporterOther2179 t1_iwshpod wrote

In the situation you describe he’s keeping up, but at a safe distance.