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shesareallykeen t1_iy9m1fv wrote

I have to move there before I start work :/ Like a few months before. But I can get transitional cost help through the program.


spaceflower890 t1_iy9pdg2 wrote

Most landlords (especially in Boston where competition for apartments is tight) will not accept a tenant without a job or at the minimum an offer letter with salary, unless a roommate can prove they earn 3x the annual rent. Get the best co-signer you can and make sure you have a hefty savings to help.


shesareallykeen t1_iy9vio9 wrote

I'll have an offer letter, I just won't have started yet


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iybe6ib wrote

Will you have enough money to pay first, last and security deposit at the time of lease signing?


xKimmothy t1_iya6hug wrote

You should probably look at your budget and at the price of apartments available for rent right now in the areas you are looking at. Some may be too stressful, unless they are adjusting salary and funds for COL.