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AgitatedEggplant t1_iumrlwk wrote

FUCK EVERSOURCE. My workplace consults for this 'company' and it's an absolute clusterfuck of disorganization. Our evs correspondent has been replaced 4 times in 3 years because they couldn't handle doing the job of 3 different departments in one position, and I don't blame them. It's shocking we haven't had blackouts already with the shit I see on a weekly basis coming from this conglomerate of liars.

Eversource's CEO is actually 3 toddlers with full diapers dressed up in a trench coat looking for a mommy to throw a tantrum at.


saltthefries t1_iun62xu wrote

I have worked with Eversource as well as many other utilities and I echo these sentiments. They're one of the worst in North America, in my experience. That being said, there is legitimate risk of an energy crisis in the region because there are limited ways to get usable energy here in the short term. Energy infrastructure is fragile (even more so when it's managed by idiots like Eversource) and the combination of a surprise cold snap and some other disruption might be enough to trigger severe rationing or outages.


Polynya t1_iuonvkm wrote

Jones Act delenda est. It’s literally insane that it’s illegal to ship natural gas from the Gulf Coast to MA because of a century old law the result of which is there are like three rickety pieces of junk in the entire US allowed to move gas between two US ports. We essentially buy natural gas from Trinidad and Europe because of that dumb law.

And then there are the environmentalists and NYS which have opposed plans to build a pipeline from the Marcellus & Utica shale fields to NE. The result? We get shortages and MORE carbon emissions because we have to start turning back to coal. (Also obligatory fuck Maine and them blocking the NECEC - would be nice to have a GW of Quebec hydro right now!)


saltthefries t1_iuoovj2 wrote

Even with LNG, a ton of energy consumption and emissions are involved in chilling natural gas to -260 F and maintaining that temperature in transit.

This is really a massive failure of federal policy that might freeze some people to death in the winter.


buried_lede t1_ix1rr3u wrote

I think Biden should answer Nolan by dumping truckloads of solar panels on their front lawn