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Kodiak01 t1_iumktcm wrote

The natural gas shortage in New England is due to the NIMBYs killing pipeline projects more than anything.


InfiniteState t1_iumvrem wrote

Not just the pipeline. NIMBYs also killed Cape Wind, the grid connection to hydro in Canada, the Pilgrim nuclear power station, ... We've lost countless opportunities to diversify our grid and generation sources.


closerocks t1_iunswry wrote

Killing the natural gas pipeline in a good way to reduce future use of natural gas. If we had a pipeline in place, the powers that make a profit off of the operation of said pipeline would insist on keeping it in operation. The same forces that keep the pipeline open would fight tooth and nail to keep using natural gas for heating and cooking in residential and commercial properties.

If instead, we shifted everybody off of natural gas for heating and onto heat pumps, we would free up a tremendous amount of natural gas for electrical power generation plants where it would be much more efficiently burned. Moving away from natural gas in the home would significantly reduce the amount of leaks of natural gas from the pipeline under our streets.

The gas utilities would still bitch about losing residential customers but fark them.


buried_lede t1_ix1sj2o wrote

They wanted us to pay for the pipeline too - all costs passed onto consumers, for an energy source we are trying to get away from in part. I think we will need it for quite some time but we are overly dependant on it. And don't forget who fought solar and even wind, at first, - NOT THE NIMBYs - the pipeline people, the utilities and even the folks at ISO NE