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harborspirit t1_iukyuym wrote

That is outrageous. There's 100 Haitian migrants in there. You'd need somebody who speaks their language to hold their hand all day. You'd need 50 translators at least to make it make sense. That's insanity. Not to mention they have zero clue about our cultural norms and customs. It's culture shock for both the migrants and the neighboring communities. It's literally like an alien landing. It's naive as hell to think it's gonna be a cakewalk to just hire "bilingual managers" for people who can't read or write English or know even a fraction of our country's history and values.


smedlap OP t1_iul1zjl wrote

You have never been in the back of a restaurant, have you. It is far more difficult to manage cave men who do not value diversity than it is to cross a language barrier.


harborspirit t1_ium69oq wrote

I value diversity. I'm talking about the fucking migrants crisis you all continue to conveniently ignore.


smedlap OP t1_iumbsw8 wrote

There is a migrant crisis. It is a subset of the general labor shortage. I have to wait, because dunkies has 2 people instead of five. My local pizza place is closed Sunday and Monday because they don't have enough staff. We need easier immigration to ease this labor shortage. Also: The United States are the good guys. When things are bad somewhere, we help. I am happy to help people leaving Haiti and South America right now. Building a wall and letting folks die on the other side of it is not a solution. It is not what your family or my family faced when the immigrated here. We were helped, and now we have a moral obligation to help others.


ins0mniac_ t1_iun2mq8 wrote

Stop watching FoxNews, ya knob.


[deleted] t1_iun516x wrote



ins0mniac_ t1_iun6342 wrote

Because it's not destructive, unless you're some sort of racist that wants a white ethnostate.


[deleted] t1_iundmk7 wrote



ins0mniac_ t1_iune878 wrote

The US does not have a national language. It’s a testament to the millions of immigrants that moved here at some point. They don’t need to speak English. You give off “go back to your own country” vibes, blatant racism and a complete lack of empathy and compassion.

Move to Texas if you want to cry about immigration.

We are proud of our immigrant population here in Massachusetts.

Get fucked.


ins0mniac_ t1_iunh5sx wrote

Something tells me you’d have no problem with white refugees from a European country.

That something is that you are racist.


ReactsWithWords t1_iunn7ov wrote

Tee-hee. It always amuses me when they think we worship CNN the same way they worship Fox News. Nobody tell them the truth, I want to keep laughing at them.


DarkPurpleHibiscus t1_iul0mb3 wrote

newsflash, Haitians have lived in the Commonwealth for decades and are doing just fine. you're being an idiot. maybe if you'd venture out of your little harbor every once in a while you'd meet one. Their community support network is pretty vast.


somegridplayer t1_iulxyko wrote

>You'd need 50 translators at least to make it make sense.

I love how you post after post continue to prove you have no clue what you're talking about.


elite_tablespoon t1_iumij7u wrote

Do you expect them to understand when they probably just avoid anyone who isn't white? I picture this guy getting wide-eyed as soon as they hear Spanish or Portuguese.


JameelWallace t1_iulyrkj wrote

This is always the funniest argument to me. You may not be aware, but this is the only country in the world with the level of diversity we do. The United States of America is a grand experiment in multiculturalism and democracy. If you’d like to be outraged at faces that don’t look like yours speaking languages that don’t sound like yours, there are many counties that would gladly have you, most of them predominantly white and English speaking. It’s you who is experiencing culture shock, not immigrants coming here for the promise of a better life this country provides them. Again, it’s hilarious to me that the people who love to explain what this country is about who are the least informed about it, and if they did educate themselves, would find they’re quite opposed to its most basic founding principles. I bet you have some interesting interpretations of the constitution as well, don’t you?


mythofinadequecy t1_ium780l wrote

Are you applying for the job of cultural attaché? You seem steeped in the norms and customs of our great country.


JaesopPop t1_iun3dhf wrote

…does someone who speaks English need someone to hold their hand all day? Or can they just do their job? Baffling.