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techiemikey t1_iu00hcc wrote

> No serious person thinks this is reasonable

Can you clarify what you mean by "no serious person thinks this is reasonable?" Because if "by serious" you mean "people who should be taken seriously" I agree. But people who are in position to win their election believe this, and unfortunately that means we have to take that risk seriously. As a currently example Kari Lake is running for Governor of Arizona, "I will win and I'll accept that result" to the question of "If you lose, will you accept the result", and she currently leads by 11 points in polling. Also, if she wins, she will be involved int he election certification process in 2024. Why should we not take this person seriously?

>The poster above is elevating their scale to such that they are a large enough threat to equate to overthrowing the government and installing an authoritarian government.

Two things: first, you realize that was attempted, right? The over throwing of the government?

Also, are you aware that there are members of congress saying things like “We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and I say it proudly, we should be Christian Nationalists.”?


Hilarias_Glucose_Cup t1_iu0chu3 wrote

I was referencing the fact that the chance of an authoritarian government in the US is very slim, to the point that it is not worth worrying about regardless of whether a small handful of loons get elected. We have them on both sides of the House right now and they generally don't have any real power aside from being useful idiots to the media.

Regarding the attempted overthrow - you are right, there was an attempt. Learn a lesson from it - keep giving these movements oxygen by pushing an us against them ideology, binary thought on every issue, and picking away at the trust of our institutions and we will have to deal with some of the stuff you are concerned about. Instead of continuing to stoke divide, start being more pragmatic, look to strengthen trust in institutions and things will get better.