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AnistarYT t1_itsjxyf wrote

Which ones? The 2016 deniers or the 2020 ones?


Gold-Door-3608 t1_itsmduo wrote

Didn’t Hillary deny the 2016 election, claiming Russian interference? Probably funded directly through the Clinton Foundation with Saudi Money.


AccomplishedGrab6415 t1_itsxq3t wrote

There actually was Russian interference though.

It's been proven.


ajuice01 t1_iturwn0 wrote

Wasn’t it proven that Hillary had people fabricate that evidence?


AccomplishedGrab6415 t1_ituuyp2 wrote

If you're referring to Durham, everything he's put forth has been repeatedly shown to be bullshit.


AccomplishedGrab6415 t1_ituu2zj wrote

If this is the case, it's news to me. Please cite a credible source for this.


ajuice01 t1_itv8268 wrote

What about your credible source for proven Russian interference?


AccomplishedGrab6415 t1_itvckgp wrote

LMFAO. Another MAGAt/conservative/liberatarian/CT/trump apologist fanboi.

Anyone: States a widely accepted truth and fact

You: States wild contradiction to said fact.

Anyone: Prove your contradiction.

You: No, you prove your already proven and widely accepted fact.

But I'll play along. Here's 5 sources for you. Now pony up.


Practical_Salt_258 t1_itt28ut wrote

You need a different news source.


AccomplishedGrab6415 t1_itt4xzo wrote

Sorry you don't agree with the reality of the issue.

You need new sources if you think it didn't really happen.


Negative_Recording_4 t1_itug4sz wrote

Yes it did happen …and was proven Clinton paid for the bullshit dossier you all swallowed for over 2 years .


techiemikey t1_itzcm6y wrote

Deny the results? No. Said Russia interfered? Yes.

But she also conceded that she lost, as well as saying "russia should be punished so they wouldn't do it again" rather than saying "She should be installed as president." The closest I heard during the time personally was "the electoral college has the right to vote their conscience if the state allows for it."


techiemikey t1_itzev8t wrote

As a note, while a few people may have denied the 2016 election results (as people have denied EVERY election result), the general popular claims regarding the 2016 election and 2020 election are drastically different in both what was claimed to be done and the remedy being sought.

First, let's establish what people are claiming for 2020. For the 2020 election, the people common things people are claiming is: "people illegally voted" "new ballots were created for people who didn't exist", "people voted multiple times", and "votes were lost/changed". The loser refused to concede the loss. And to counter this blatant cheating, people wanted the election fully overturned.

Meanwhile, there is the 2016 election. The claim was different. It was that Russia was interfering in the election, but not that the votes were changed/added/removed. And to my knowledge the remedy was not a new election or to overturn the results, but to hold Russia accountable so they wouldn't do it again and shore up election results. Hillary conceded that she lost the election.

These may sound different, but the severity and remedies involved are drastically different.

The severity of claims in 2016 is "They interfered to help the other side, and the results likely changed as a result of this". This is bad, but as a country it's a "ok...we should stop that in the future" level of bad. In 2020, the claim is "They literally stole the vote illegally so the results aren't what were counted, but rather a different result." This is REALLY REALLY bad. Like, if this is what happened, you can't trust anything about the government.

TL;DR: in 2016 people said "influence happened, we should stop that in the future" In 2020 people said "votes were changed. Burn it down."