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Linux-Is-Best t1_itr2ze9 wrote

Does anyone know else know the childhood story about the boy who cried wolf?

If you don't, it's pretty simple...

A young boy, who was watching his sheep, got lonely and bored, so he cried "wolf" as loud as his could. And the whole village came running to help him defend his heard against the so-called nasty wolf. At first, he told the story of him fighting off the "wolf" all by himself, and the boy was seen as a hero. He told the villagers this to explain why there was no wolf. He did this a few more times and depending on the telling of the story, the villagers either got wise to his false claims or assumed, after a while, he could take care of it himself. Until one day a real, live, nasty, big and bad wolf came and the little boy shouting "wolf" as loudly as he could, but no one came, and the little boy and his sheep were all eating up.

I think long term and I believe everything is technically possible, it's only a matter of probability. The big problem about these voter deniers crying wolf, should one day, true fraud were to happen, and our democracy was legitimately hijacked one day, who would believe it?

That is one of the fears I have about these false flags happening today. Not just that it could erode faith in our election system for some, but constantly saying there is a problem when currently none exist, could lead to a real problem one day going unnoticed.


lorimar t1_itr3fsh wrote

> should one day, true fraud were to happen

It will, the GOP will make sure of it. They've already convinced themselves that it is happening, so why not cheat for their side?


Laszlo-Panaflex t1_itrkd3g wrote

It already has happened. The only cases of voting irregularities have been in favor of candidates on the right. Just a few examples that have facts and data to back them up:

Lots of issues in Ohio in 2004 helped W get reelected:

Statistically fishy votes in Florida that same year:

Voter disenfranchisement in Florida swayed the election in 2000:

The left has allowed the GOP to get away with blatant fraud, minimally fighting back while maintaining a level of decorum, and these crazy right wingers have the absolute gall to loudly accuse the left of fraud.


joexner t1_itr5rgt wrote

Like Russia with the made-up threats of Ukraine using dirty bombs


SLEEyawnPY t1_itr7s7y wrote

>Not just that it could erode faith in our election system for some

I still have complete faith in US electoral system to the extent that at least one of the small number of very wealthy candidates whom corporations with a lot of money have spent a lot of money on making one of the small number of available candidates, will eventually be determined to be elected to a particular high office. for some amount of time.


Linux-Is-Best t1_itrd5zw wrote

In other news, water is wet. /Sarcasm

All jokes aside, I agree, it would be very nice and healthy for us to get money out of politics. Because as it stands now, it just seems like some wealthy rich man or woman always is propped up above everyone and everything and that isn't working for our democracy.


WaterIsWetBot t1_itrdats wrote

Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.


How do you make holy water?

Make sure to boil the hell out of it.


SLEEyawnPY t1_itrdy4h wrote

>All jokes aside, I agree, it would be very nice and healthy for us to get money out of politics.

Yes, I think it would be better all around if politicians had to pay us to listen to them. that's not a joke either they should pay up.